Jindra and Chaloupka Families

From Europe to Manitowoc County, WI

Jindra Family
Chaloupka Family
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
2301 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I6001)
2302 St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, Greenstreet, sponsors Franciscus and Catharina Skwor TUMA, Anna (I1798)
2303 St. Wenceslaus Cemetery KOHOUT, Francis (I1719)
2304 St. Wenceslaus Cemetery KOUBA, Maria (I1813)
2305 Staff Sergeant Glenn E. Adler was assigned to the 830th Bomb Squadron, 509th Bomb Wing and a passenger aboard C-124A Globemaster II transport s/n 49-0244 assigned to the 2nd Strategic Support Squadron, 509th Bomber Wing at Walker AFB New Mexico. On March 23, 1951, the aircraft was enroute from Limestone AFB to Mildenhall Air Base, England when it disappeared about 600 miles east of Ireland, reportedly killing all 53 airman, including many nuclear experts and at least one general officer on board. Howener, survivors were spotted in rafts afterward but were missing when rescue ships arrived, and with Russian submarines and trawlers active in the area, speculation arose and continues that the survivors were taken to Russia and imprisoned. ADLER, Glenn E. (I4757)
2306 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2013)
2307 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I9198)
2308 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I9213)
2309 STEITZER: Wendelin m: 13 July 1869 (co. mar. index v.4 p.50) to: Mary Ready

From: "Kathy Nitz" Subject: [CZ] STELZER Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 22:42:07 -0600

Hello all My ggrandfather Wendelin Stelzer came to the United States in 1865 via the port of Baltimore. He made his way to Manitowoc, Wisconsin and bought a farm in Taus. Taus is named after Bohmerwald town of the same name (= Domazlice) and Kellnersville according to information from Manitowoc County . My other ggrandfather Wenzel Speta also lived in Manitowoc. He came from Bohemia/Austria in mar of 1890. Does any one know which country this town would have been in during 1865 and how I could contact genealogy information from there? Thanks for your help, Kathy 
Family: STELZER, Wendelin / RADEJ, Marie (F3168)
2310 Stengl (a.k.a. Bohemian) Cemetery BLAHA, George (I2586)
2311 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I9103)
2312 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I5785)
2313 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I6591)
2314 Stone in the Tisch Mills Catholic Cemetery that says Magdalena Honzik, 185 9-1919 ECKART, Magdalena Ernestina (I948)
2315 Streckert

Mrs. Henry R. Streckert, 42, of 1036 Holzer St., Green Bay, died Sunday evening at Belling Memorial Hospital, Green Bay.

Funeral Services will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Green Bay. The Rev. L.P. Buelow will officiate.

Mrs. Streckert, need Cora Rusch, was born Dec. 3, 1925, at Manitowoc, daughter of the late Reinhold Streckert and Ella Kieselhorst Rusch. She was married to Henry Streckert May 24, 1947 in Manitowoc.

Survivors include her husband; two sons, Raymond and Robert at home; her mother, Mrs. Ella Rusch, of Manitowoc; and three brothers, Norbert, Omar and Elton of Manitowoc.

Friends may call at Lyndahl Funeral Home Green Bay, after 2 p.m. Tuesday. A memorial fund has been established in her name. 
RUSCH, Cora A. (I7948)
2316 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I7436)
2317 Stueck

Mrs. Rose Lambert Stueck, 58, of Mishicot village, died early Thursday morning at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital after a lingering illness.

Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Chuch, the Rev. Anthony Betley officiating. Burial will be in the parish cemetery.

Mrs Stueck, nee Rose Lambert, was born March 23, 1910, in the Town of Mishicot, a daughter of the late Joseph and Elizabeth Cretton Lambert. She was an employe in the percolator department of Mirro Aluminum Co., Plant No 1, at Two Rivers, for many years retiring in 1965 because of ill health. She was a member of Holy Cross Altar Society.

Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Kenneth (Julia) Gerlach of Rt. 1, Denmark; four brothers, Walter of Kingsbridge, Edward of Mishicot, Arnold of Rt. 1, Kewaunee, and George Lambert of Rt. 1 Mishicot. Included among nieces and nephews surviving is Mrs. Dale (LaVern) Ells, of Mishicot.

Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Friday where the Rosary for the Altar Society will be at 7:30 p.m. and for the parish at 8 p.m..Herald-Times-Reporter
Thu, Apr 25, 1968 ·Page 28
LAMBERT, Rose (I7749)
Striken as He is Retiring
Death came swiftly and unexpectedly to Wolfgang Lemberger at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Joseph Buchner, 1209 South Eleventh st, as he was preparing to retire for the night. The old gentleman had been about as usual yesterday, had supper with the family and spent the evening at home. At 7:45 he prepared to retire and was disrobing when he collapsed and was dead before those in the home could realize what had happened. The funeral will be held Thursday morning with services at St. Michael's church at Whitelaw at 10 o'clock and burial will be at Whitelaw cemetery.

Born in Bavaria, September 16, 1848, Mr Lemberger would have been seventy-seven at his next birthday. He came to his country at the age of seven with his parents, the family settling in the country and at the age of seventeen he was married and settled on a farm at Whitelaw. This farm he turned over to the son, twenty three years ago, and moved to this city, where for sixteen years he had a home on Manila St. Five years he returned to the old farm where he made his home with his son for two years and three years ago with Mrs Lemberger he came to the city to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Buchner.

Besides the widow Mr. Lemberger is survived by three sons and five daughters, Wolfgang, Jr, who is a travelling salesman in Minnesota, Joseph of Cato, Sister Christina at the Holy Family convent, Sisters Elizabeth and Bartelme at West Point, Nebraska; Mrs Joseph Buchner of this city and Mrs. Anton Paul of Sturgeon Bay. Mrs. Grall a sister, thirty four grandchildren and ten great grandchildren also survive him.

Manitowoc Herald Time - April 27, 1925 edition
NOTE: (Anton Lemberger is the son not mentioned) 
LEMBERGER, Wolfgang (I8615)
Apoplexy Removes Trustworthy Council Member On Saturday Afternoon

Death came like a thief in the night to Alderman Ferdinand Lenhardt, who was stricken with apoplexy at his home about two o'clock Saturday afternoon. Evidently in good health and
the best of spirits, he had attended to his duties as usual throughout the week, enjoying himself at the County Fair, and helping the city dads solve their problems at the regular meeting last Monday evening. Shortly after dinner on Saturday afternoon the fatal stroke came. He was put to bed and capable medical aid obtain ed, but he was beyond human help.

The body of the deceased lay in state in the parlor of his home at 1410 Sixteenth Street, until Tuesday afternoon. The room was literally inundated with eautiful bouquets, wreaths, and sprays,-a silent, yet sweet and eloquent tribute to the man who served his fellow-citizens so well. All day long and into the late evening, crowds flocked to pay their last respects to him.

Ferdinand Lenhardt was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lenhardt, and was born in the town of Mishicot on September 25, 1873. He grew to his boyhood on his father's farm, assisting him with the work. When he was about fifteen years old, his parents moved to this city, and he has made his home here ever since. On September 3, 1898 he married Miss Hattie Wieghart of this city. On(sic) son, Arthur was born to them. Mrs. Lenhardt died on October 59, 1900. Five years later, on September 12, 1905, he married Miss Luella Nishke, who now survives him. During his lifelong residence here, he has established a reputation for integrity and faithfulness to duty, and has proven himself a man of sterling character and firm convictions. He has served the people of the Second Ward as their alderman for three consecutive terms and was entering upon his fourth. He was also an active and capable member of the Water and Light Commission. He belonged to the Lutheran Men's Club of St. John's Church. For the past ten years he has been employed by the Kahlenberg
Bros. Co.

Deceased is survived by his widow, by one son, Arthur, and by one grandson, Roy. Two sisters, Mrs. Mary Jindra, and Mrs. Catherine Freiss of Mishicot also mourn his loss.

The funeral, was held from St. John's Lutheran Church at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Haase offlciating. The cortege from the church to Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, where the body was interred, was one of the largest that ever followed the hearse at the last rites of any deceased son of this community. The pall-bearers were: Adam Kamm, Henry Koch, Adam Lauber, John Wilsman, William
Johannes and Carl Saubert. His fellow-workers at the Kahlenberg shops, and his Council colleagues marched in a body to escort his remains to their final resting place--And the draped Stars and Stripes outside the City Hall problaimed the sorrow of the city.
The Chronicle
Wed, Aug 27, 1924 ·Page 1

Funeral services were held this afternoon for Ferdinand Lenhardt, member of the city council, whose death occurred suddenly from an attack of apoplexy. Mr. Lenhardt was also a member of the city water and light commission and was well and favorably known. City officials attended the funeral in a body today and flags on city buildings were at half mast.

Mr. Lenhart was 51 years of age, a native of Mishicot, and had resided in the county all his life.

Mr. Lenhardt is survived by his wife and son Arthur.

Manitowoc Herald News - August 26, 1924 ... submitted by contributor "Larry Krueger" (#47801461)

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

A shock of painful surprise went through the city Saturday afternoon when it was learned that Ferdinand Lenhardt had passed away at the home of 1410 Sixteenth Street, a victim of apoplexy. Like several other man who died recently in this vicinity under similar circumstances, he was in apparent good health and the stroke which took him away forever came like a bolt from a clear sky. He was stricken shortly after dinner Saturday.

The deceased was the senior alderman from the second ward which he has served in that capacity for three ?? when his life was suddenly terminated. He was also a member of the Water and Light Commission. He was employed at the Kahlenberg Machine Shop and belonged to the Lutheran Men's Club.

Mr. Lenhardt was born in the Town of Mishicot in 1873. At the age of fifteen his parents moved from the farm to this city where he has since resided. He was married in 1898 to Miss Hattie Wieghart who passed into the beyond in 1900, leaving one son, Arthur. Several years later Mr. Lenhardt married Miss Luella Nischke who with the son and a grandson, Roy survive him. He also leaves two sisters, Mary Jindra and Mrs. Catherin Freis of Mishicot. The funeral took place Monday afternoon from St. John's Lutheran Church, Rev. W.G. Haase officiating at the last rites. His fellow employees and the members of the city council attended and accompanied the remains to Pioneer's Rest in one of the biggest corteges ever held in the city.

The Reporter - August 29, 1924 ... submitted by contributor "Shari Milks" (#49043446)

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~


We extend our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown us in our bereavement due to the death of our dear, beloved husband and father. We also wish to express our gratitude for floral tributes and the use of cars and to the City Council and employees of Kahlenberg Bros. and the pallbearers.

Mrs. Ferd Lenhardt and son

The Reporter - September 5, 1924 ... submitted by contributor "Shari Milks" (#49043446) 
LENHARDT, Ferdinand Adam (I840)
2320 Sues for Divorce-- Lena M. Hartigan is suing Thomas Hartigan, a dairyman, for divorce on cruelty grounds in an action filed in the district court. They were married in Helena on September 15, 1895, and she claims severe physical abuse from her husband.
The Independent-Record
Helena, Montana · Saturday, February 17, 1917 
Family: HARTIGAN, Thomas Francis / JINDRA, Magdalena (F151)
2321 Suffered a stroke May 1998 LANGE, Anthony Joseph (I4513)
2322 Suicide Atempt Victim Is Resting in Hospital

Manitowoc-Undersheriff Lester Nichols said Tuesday that Mrs. William Chaloupka, somewhere in her 50s, Route 1 Mishicot, is resting at the Holy Family hospital in Manitowoc after a suicide attempt at her home early Monday afteroon.

Mrs. Chaloupka, whom Sheriff Clarence Baryenbruch described as 'despondent," attempted to take her life on Monday by slashing her wrists. Fortunately, Sheriff Baryenbruch said, "she didn't cut deep enough." Mrs. Chaloupka was coated with blood when found by friends who immediately called the sheriff's department.
Two Rivers Reporter
Tue, Jul 31, 1951 ·Page 12 
HONZIK, Maria (I946)
2323 Summons by Publication

In the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Rosebud.

Henry Jones, plaintiff, vs. Helen Jones, defendant.

The State of Montana sends greeting to the above named defendant:

You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the clerk of this court, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear of answer, judgement will be taken agasint you by default for relief demanded in this complaint.

The said action is brought to obtain a decree of this court dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and row existing between you and the above named plaintiff on the alleged grounds that ever since the fifth day of October, 1900, you have wilfully and without cause deserted ad abandoned the said plaintifff, and live separate and apart from him without any sufficient cause or any reason, and against his will and without his consent.

Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 31t day of March, 1902.
(seal) 4-3 Jas. B. Grierson, Clerk.

G.W. Farr, attorney for plaintiff.
Forsyth Times-Journal
Thu, Apr 17, 1902 ·Page 8 
Family: JONAS, Heinrich / OELTJEN, Helen (F1918)
2324 Susan M. Jonas

Susan M. Jonas, nee Pudil, of the town of Jackson died on Saturday, Oct. 1 9, 2002 at St. Luke's Medical Center in Milwaukee at the age of 61. She was born on Nov. 5, 1940 in Milwaukee to the late James and Charlot te (nee Krause) Pudil.

After her graduation from high school, Susan was employed at Allis-Chalme rs in West Allis until her marriage. After her marriage to Ronald Jon as on May 20, 1961 in Milwaukee, the settled in Milwaukee until 1973 wh en the family came to the town of Jackson. Susan then began working for t he State of Wisconsin Job Service office in West Bend and later in Graft on and Cedarburg until illness forced her to retire in November 2001.

Susan was active both in Boy and Girl Scouts while her children were in sc outing. She also taught Sunday School at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Mi lwaukee. Susan was a proud member of St. John's Lutheran Church in the to wn of Jackson, where she was a member of the Tuesday Nite Prayer Group a nd also was a member of the Sweet Adelines and the TOPS club.

Survivors include her husband, Ron; three children, David (Carolyn) of Jackson, Kevin (Brenda) of Kewaskum and Jean (Mike) Nettesheim of Hartford; three grandchildren, Dalton, Hailey and Connor; one sister, Barn Scherff of Wauwatosa; a sister-in-law, Mary Pudil of Wauwatosa; nieces; nephews; other relatives and friends.

She was preceded in death by one son, Ronald Jr.; and one brother, John.

Funeral services will be held on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Schmidt Funeral Home, Jackson, with Pastor Paul Mittermaier officiating. Visitation wi ll be from 4-6:45 p.m. Memorials may be given to the American Diabetes Association or to the Building Fund at St. John's Lutheran Church, town of Jackson.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) - October 21, 2002
Deceased Name: Jonas, Susan M.
Jonas, Susan M. (nee Pudil) Age 61 years of Jackson, Oct. 19, 2002. Beloved wife of Ronald. Much loved mother of David (Carolyn), Kevin (Brenda), Jean (Mike) Nettesheim and the late Ronald Jr. Loving grandma of Dalton, Hailey and Connor. Dear sister of Barb Scherff and the late John. Further survived by sister-in-law Mary Pudil, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Funeral Services Tues. Oct. 22 at 7 PM at the Funeral Home. Pastor Paul Mittermaier officiating. Visitation from 4 until 6:45 PM Tues. The family prefers memorials to the American Diabetes Association or to St. John's Lutheran Church Building Fund, Jackson. SCHMIDT FUNERAL HOME N168 W20135 Main St. (Hwy 60) Jackson 262-677-4993

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI)
Date: October 21, 2002
Edition: Final
Page: 99
Record Number: 2002102021435430
Copyright (c) 2002, Journal Sentinel Inc. All rights reserved. (Note: This notice does not apply to those news items already copyrighted and received through wire services or other media.) 
PUDIL, Susan Mary (I1130)
2325 Swift

George B. Swift, Jr., age 78, of Evanston, loving husband of Margaret Swift, nee Grall; beloved father of Carol (Tom) Garcia, Kenneth (Rosanda) and Beverly (Harlan) Dagel; fond grandfather of nine; great-grandfather of four; brother of Clarence Swift. Visitation Sunday 3 to 9 p.m. Funeral Monday 930 a.m. from Donnellan-Fitzgerald-Franklin Funeral Home, 1571 Maple Ave., Evanston, to St. Nicholas Church. Mass 10 a.m. Interment All Saints Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the Heart Assn. would be appreciated. 869-2900.
Chicago Tribune
Sun, Nov 29, 1987 ·Page 43 
SWIFT, George Bertum (I8284)
2326 Swift

Kennth G. Swift, age 61, beloved husband of Rosanda, nee Condich; loving father of Christopher (Mary) and Nancy (James) Kornfeld; dear grandfather of sevven; loving son of Margaret (the late George) Swift; fond brother of Carol (Tom) Garcia and Beverly (Harlan) Dagel; fond uncle of many nieces and nephews; brother-in-law to man. Funeral Saturday, Oct. 11, at 10:30 a.m. from Colonial-Wojclechowski Funeral Home, 8025 W. Golf Road, Niles, to St. Isaac Jogues Church, mass 11 a.m. Interment All Saints. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions to St. Isaac Jogues Church and St. Catherine LaBoure Church appreciated. Visitation Firday(sic) 3 to 9 p.m. Info 847-581-0536.
Chicago Tribune
Fri, Oct 10, 1997 ·Page 263 
SWIFT, Kenneth G. (I8399)
2327 Swift

Margaret Swift, nee Grall, 92, of Evanston, belived wife of the late George B. Swift Jr. loving mother of Carol (Tom) Garcia, Beverly (Harlan) Dagel and the late Kenneth (Rosanda); fond grandmother of nine and great-grandmother of 14; dear aunt and great-aunt of many. Visitation Sunday 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Funeral Monday 9:30 a.m. from Donnellan Family Funeral Home, 1571 Maple Ave., Evanston, to St. Mary Church, Lake St. and Oak Ave., Evanston. Mass 10 a.m. Interment All Saints Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to ENH hospice, 5215 Old Orchard Rd., Suite 200, Skokie, IL 60077-1035 or Alzheimer's Association, 4709 Golf Rd., Suite 1015, Skokie, IL 60076. Funeral Info 847-869-2900.
Chicago Tribune
Sun, May 23, 1999 ·Page 111 
GRALL, Margaret Verna (I8283)
2328 Tallahassee Democrat (FL) - February 25, 1997
Deceased Name: Ruby Cecelia Schmidt
Ruby Cecelia Schmidt, 72, of Tallahassee died Sunday.

The service will be held at a later date in Two Rivers, Wis.

A native of Wisconsin, and former resident of Dunnellon, she had lived in Tallahassee since 1995. She was a homemaker and a Jehovah's Witness.

She is survived by two daughters, Joanne Gohlke of Tallahassee and Judith White of El Paso, Texas; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

(Beggs Funeral Home, Apalachee Chapel in Tallahassee, 942-2929).

Tallahassee Democrat (FL)
Date: February 25, 1997
Page: 4C
Record Number: 9702250046
Copyright (c) 1997 Tallahassee Democrat

Ocala Star-Banner (FL) - February 25, 1997
Deceased Name: TALLAHASSEE -- Ruby Cecelia Schmidt
TALLAHASSEE -- Ruby Cecelia Schmidt, 72, a homemaker, died Sunday, Feb. 23, 1997, at Tallahassee Community Hospital.

A native of Wisconsin, she was a former resident of Dunnellon. Mrs. Schmidt was a Jehovah's Witness.

Survivors include her daughters, Joanne Gohlke, Tallahassee and Judith White, El Paso; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Beggs Funeral Home, Tallahassee, is handling arrangements.

Ocala Star-Banner (FL)
Date: February 25, 1997
Edition: Marion
Page: 2B
Record Number: 89815
Copyright (c) 1997 Ocala Star-Banner 
YOUNK, Ruby Cecelia (I1871)
2329 Teacher, Gary, Indiana Public School System JINDRA, Hilda Katherine (I1)
2330 Tess

Mrs. Herman (Minnie) Tess of 78 W. Maple St., Sturgeon Bay, died Tuesday evening, Aug. 12, at Door County Memorial Hospital.

Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Friday at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Sturgeon Bay. Burial will be in Bayside Cemetery, Sturgeon Bay.

Mrs. Tess, nee Minnie Jonas, was born in Two Creeks, daughter of the late Fred and Minnie Jonas. She was married to Herman Tess November 12, 1912, at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. He preceded her in death March 20, 1969. Mrs. Tess was a member of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Ladies Aid Society of the church and the Gold Star Mothers.

Survivors include three sons, Elden, Wallace and Kenneth of Sturgeon Bay, two daughters, Mrs. Linda Smejkal of Sturgen Bay and Mrs. Kenneth (Gwen) Simonar of Two Rivers, 15 grandchildren and 32 great grandchildren. A son, Willard was killed during World War II. Nine brothers, two sisters, and a grandchild also preceded her in death.

Friends may call at Davis Mortuary, Sturgeon Bay, 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock this Thursday, evening and after 9 a.m. Friday until the time of service. A prayer service will be 8 o'clock this evening.
Thu, Aug 14, 1980 ·Page 3 
JONAS, Wilhelmina (I5179)
2331 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Private (I5186)
2332 That said Minnie Jonas would have been sixty-two years of age on the first day of June, 1916, if she were living; that affiant's father and mother prior to their death lived with the affiant on his farm in the town of Two Creeks, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, where affiant has ever since resided and still resides; that affiant's father died about twenty-seven years ago and affiant's mother died about twenty-four years ago on said farm; that affiant saw his sister Minnie Jonas for the last time shortly before his father died, when she visited with the family on said farm in the town of Two Creeks.

That after affiant's father died and about twenty-six years ago, affiant's mother got a letter from said Minnie Jonas from Cincinnati, Ohio, which letter was answered; that when affiant's mother took sick he wrote to his said sister Minnie at the address at Cincinnati, Ohio, which she had given in her previous letter but never received an answer, and that thereafter, both before and after affiant's mother died, he again wrote to his said sister Minnie at said address but has never heard from her and never seen her since. 
SCHROEDER, Auguste Marie Sophie (I922)
2333 The 1900 Census shows the Kempfert family living in the Town of Gibson
Family number 52
Emma has had 5 Children 2 remain living in 1900 
BLUM, Emma Margaretha Henriette (I1025)
2334 The 1920 Census shows Rose as widowed.
The 1920 City directory has Rose listed, but also has Edward S. listed as a barber. This is the same occupation used on his marriage application.
It is likely they were divorced and she was not widowed. 
Family: CHARLES, Edward Sherman / TUMA, Rose Mary (F130)
2335 The Brother-in-Law of Solomon Juneau, Milwaukee Pioneer.

One of the Last of the Old French Traders of Wisconsin to Pass Away-
The Story of His Life.

On Tuesday, October 30th, 1888, the death of Andrew J. Vieau occurred at Ashwaubenon. He had been ill for two months or more prior to his death with phthisis*. The surviving members of the family are the widow, Rebecca R. Vieau, and eight children, as Follows: Mrs. L.G.. Pauquette(sic), Fort Howard; Mrs. Andrew Vieau Seymour; Henry Vieau, Little Kaukauna; Jerome G. Vieau, Green Bay; Ramsey C. Vieau, Sheboygan; Andrew J. Vieau, Jr.; Ashwaubenon; Frank Vivaldi Vieau, Ashwaubenon; Mrs. Napoleon Jonbert, Fort Howard. The funeral occurred on the following Friday at the French Catholic church, Rev Fr. Madden officiating. THe interment was at Allouez.

In June,, 1837, Reuben G. Thwaites, corresponding secretary of the State Historical Society, visited Mr. Vieau and gathered from him a most valuable chapter of history. The following interesting sketch, taken from the Milwaukee Sentinel, is undoubtebly from his pen:

Madison, Nov.. 7--News has been received here of the death at his home in Fort Howard, of Andrew J. Vieau, a son of old Jacques Vieau, who opened a fur trading station at the mouth of MIlwaukee river in 1795. Andrew, born in Green Bay in 1818, assisted his father in the Indian trade in and around Milwaukee, as early as 1830. Later while still a mere lad, he clerked for the Irwins, fur-traders at Green Bay, in 1833, seeing there the Sac chief, Black Hawk, upon the latter's famous journey as prisoner to President Jackson in Washington.

In September, 1831, young Vieau commenced clerking in Milwaukee for his brother-in-law Solomon Juneau; but in February following went to Chicago whre he clerked for Medore b. Beaubien, a well-known pioneer of that city.

In Deccember, 1836, he returned to Milwaukee and bought out Juneau. This was during the big real estate boom, and Vieau made considerable money both in his Milwaukee establishment and in trade with the Indians and whites at Prairieville, now Waukesha. In fact, this Prairieville store-the firm was McDonald, Maliby & Vieau-was the first established in that section of the state.

Vieau was a restless character and fond of starting new enterprises. In June, 1837, he sold out all his interests to Juneau and traded during the summer at Green Bay and Mackinaw. In the fall he was back again in Milwaukee, dealing in lumber, serving as village auctioneer and officiating as collector of county taxes,-his fee as collector being 5 percent, on his collections and levies.

In the fall of 1838 he went to Port Washington to prosecute the Indian trade and was psotmaster(sic) there. He did well from his winter's trade, and took into MIlwaukee in the spring a large boat-load of peltries and maple sugar, while during the sleighing weather he had frequently brought into Milwaukee ox-team loads of wild turkeys and venison gathered from the Indian hunters.

In the winter of 1839-40 he again traded in partnership with Juneau, but the following summer set up for himself a store of general supplies and an adjoining lumber-yard, his plant being on the east side of East Water street, between Huron and Michigan.

In the fall of 1843 he started in at Two Rivers, with a stock of Indian goods, and while there superintended a pioneer saw-mill owned by his father-in-law, the well-known John Lawe, of Green Bay.

Here he stayed until 1846, when he took to farming at Neshoto village, and became chairman of the Manitowoc county board. He was afterward in the Indian trade at New Denmark, and, later, at the Bay Settlement, northwest of Green Bay. But, in 1860, he removed to his family land-claim on the bank of Fox river, at Fort Howard. He had, finally, like so many of his kind, lost all of his money in the fur trade, and thenceforth gained a scanty living from his little home farm, after the manner of the old habitants.

Mr. View(sic) was a genial, kindly man, when not crossed, and had the suave manners and expressive gesture so peculiar to those having French blood in their veins. His father, old Jacques, was a full-blooded Frenchman, but his mother was the niece of Onaugsa a celebrated Pottowattomie chief. A year ago, Secretary Thwaites, of the Historical Society, interviewed the old man at his home in Fort Howard, and the result is that entertaining and valuable contribution to the history of the state, known as "the Narrative of Andrew J. Vieau, Sr.," in Vol. XI, of the Wisconsin HIstorical collections.

Mr. Vieau had seen and keenly observed much of pioneer life and the habits of the aborigines, he was a walking encyclopedia of information regarding he details of the early forest trade, the movements of Indian tribes, the characteristics of leading pioneers and incidents of early times and being a vivacious though modes raconteur was recognized as a jolly comrade among those who knew him well.

His death removes about the last old French fur trader in Wisconsin, certainly the last whose recollections are valuable as material for history.

Green Bay Press-Gazette (Green Bay, Wisconsin); Monday, November 12, 1888; page 3, column 4

*phthisis is pulmonary tuberculosis 
VIEAU, Andrew Jacques Sr. (I7895)
2336 The cavalry unit he first joined was called the First Nebraska Cavalry.

Unknown Source:
Name: William Plum
Residence: St Louis, Missouri
Age at Enlistment: 22
Enlistment Date: 10 Jan 1861
Rank at enlistment: Private
State Served: Iowa
Survived the War?: Yes
Service Record: Enlisted in Company D, Iowa 5th Cavalry Regiment on 13 Nov 1861.
Promoted to Full 4th Corporal on 01 Jul 1865.
Mustered out on 08 Aug 1865 at Nashville, TN. 
BLUM, Wilhelm Heinrich (I1020)
2337 The company built several post office buildings in Illinois, such as within the cities of Elgin and Wheaton. In 1923, the company built the Medinah Country Clubhouse and golf ground buildings for the Shriners.The company helped build the Two Rivers Post Office in 1933. Through this work he became a master stone mason. MEINEKE, Erhardt William (I63)
2338 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Living (F266)
2339 The couple were married in the town of Maple Grove in a religious ceremony.
The date of marriage registration was 6 years after the marriage, October 17, 1871. 
Family: GRALL, Anton / LEMBERGER, Anna Marie (F2869)
2340 The family appears in the 1880 Gibson Federal Census on Page 11
The spelling of their name is Bluckelman 
2341 The family farmed in rural Fox Lake, Wisconsin until Gertrude and Willi retirement in 1962. Gertrude worked for many years in the experimental lab at the Green Giant Company until she in retired in 1986 at the age of 7 5. (3) MULLIN, William L. (I5041)
2342 The family initially lived on a farm near Pierce. Later, they moved to NO rfolk and then Schuyler where George worked. Finally, they lived in Oma ha where George worked in a meat Packing house. Freda did housecleaning a nd worked for a while in a rug factory.

A House Moving Accident

While living in Norfolk, George Malzahn was assisting in the moving of hou ses. The work crew was moving a house down a big hill and a roller slipped . George attempted to straighten the roller and his leg was smashed. After h is leg was amputated, he used an artificial leg. His leg was buried by Geo rge, Jr. who had died in infancy. 
MALZAHN, George Sr. (I4153)
2343 The following information was found in the Probate Office at the Manitowoc Co. Courthouse under file # 1086.

Wenzel Wanish left an estate of approx. $100.00 according to his father and creditor, Frank Wanish. Wenzel left a wife, Anna, but no children at the time of his death, however a daughter was born 3 Mo. later. Joseph Havel was given power to administer the estate.

There were legal papers drawn and on record for a Guardianship of Wenzel and Anna's child, Anna. She was 6mo. old at the time. Wenzel Klopeck/Chloupek was given the guardianship of Baby Anna on Jan 10, 1870.

Wenzel's daughter Anna died Sept. 30, 1870 in Cooperstown, Manitowoc Co. The administrator for her estate was Frank Wanish, uncle of the deceased. Her assets were listed as farm animals, 2 cows, 2 horses, 2 calves, etc. with a total value of $282.00. There was no land listed.

The probate file is a thick one and most of the documents are hard to read but I did find what was suspected---Baby Anna died Sept. 30, 1870 and not the mother. Several documents mentioned Anna Rady. I found a paper that listed the Guardians as Wencel Chloupek, #1 and Anna Wanish, #2 for t he child. The child was the heir of Wenzel Wanish's estate which consisted of land which was sold for $558.00 and personal property of farm equipment, 2 cows, 2 horses and harness, 2 calves,. I wonder if that is why a guardian was appointed--because a child was the heir of an estate?????
There were no death records of Wenzel or Baby Anna at the Register of Deeds. As for the spelling of Anna Reling on the marriage of Wenzel and Anna, I still feel that is the spelling after comparing the handwriting to t he other enteries on the same page. Her parents were listed as Geo. and Marie Reling. I agree with you that the name should be Herlik, as that makes sense. On baby Anna's birth info, Herlik is plain as day. Wasn't that odd that the 2 witnesses for Wenzel and Anna's marriage were 2 men? Al so it was a stautory marriage, so that means no church, right? 
WANISH, Wenzel (I2405)
2344 The Freitag family bore a conspicuous part in the settlement or their part of Nicollet township. They came from Prussia in 1861, locating in Nicollet township. The family had sons known as Albert, Frederick and Herman. two of whom bore arms in the Indian war in 1862.

History of Nicollet and LeSueur Counties, Minnesota: Their People ..., Volume 1
edited by William G. Gresham pg. 170 
FREITAG, Carl (I906)
2345 The funeral of Frank Lemberger, pioneer resident of the town of Cato, was held yesterday at St. Michael’s Church at Whitelaw. Mr. Lemberger had been failing for a long time and passed away at his home in Cato.

He is survived by his wife and eleven children, Frank Lemberger of Boyd, Wis., George of Appleton, Lewis of Clarks Mills, Joseph and Edward of Cato, Mrs. Helen Heinrichs and Mrs. Joseph Neuser of Rapids, Mrs. Joseph Heran of Kossuth, Mrs. George Schuh of Whitelaw, Miss Barbara of Milwaukee and Miss Sophie Lemberger who is still home. Twenty-seven grandchildren also survive.

Manitowoc Herald News - Friday, Feb. 14, 1921 - page 3
(Frank Lemberger/d. 31 Jan. 1921 from records of St. Michael's, Whitelaw) 
LEMBERGER, Francis (I8651)
2346 The funeral of Mrs. Rebecca Vieau, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Poquette, 721 South Webster avenue, on Saturday morning, at the age of 81 years, was held from St. John's church at 10 o'clock this morning, Rev. Fathr Rickllin officiating. Interment was at Allouez cemetery.

Green Bay Press-Gazette (Green Bay, Wisconsin); Monday, February 3, 1896; page 5, column 4 
LAWE, Rebecca Rosalie (I7901)
2347 The funeral of Mrs. W. Shedivy of Tisch Mills took place Friday from St. Mary's church there, Rev. Father Rose officiating. Mrs. Shedivy died last week Wednesday after a short illness. Decedent, whose maiden name was Zima, was born in Gibson 51 years ago. Adolph Shedivy of this city, who drives the American Express wagon is a son. Deceased is also survived by her husband, Wenzel and two daughters, Mrs. Ed Chaloupka and Miss Anna Shedivy.

The Reporter, Thurs., Oct. 10, 1918

The following people of Mishicot attended the burial of Mrs. Wenzel Shedivy at Tisch Mills: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skeyor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rebutz, Mr. and Mrs. Math Zima, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Shedivy, Mrs. Dufeck, Miss Josephine Rebitz and August Cochnet.

The Reporter, Thurs., Oct. 10, 1918 
ZIMA, Mary (I7233)
2348 The funeral of the late Albert O. Freitag of this village, of whose demise mention was made in these columns last week, was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev. E. H. Sans of New Ulm at the local Friedens church, and the remains were laid to rest in the church cemetery north of Nicollet. Mr. Freitag has been ailing for about two years. His death occurred on Wednesday April 11 at the Union hospital, New Ulm, where he had been receiving medical attention for two weeks on account of a gangrenous affliction of his right foot.

Deceased was a native of Repsin, Prussia, German, where he was born August 28, 1844. In 1861 he came to America with his parents, the late Carl and Henrietta Freitag, and the family located on a farm south of Nicollet.He was united in marriage to Wilhelmine Meyer in 1866, and to this union four children were born, there of who survive. They are: A. C. Freitag and Paul Freitag of Max, N.D., and Mrs. Chas. Vogtel of New Ulm. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Freitag was wedded for a second time in 1875, this time to Miss Bertha Netzke, his surviving widow. Of the four children born to the second marriage, the two remaining being Emil Freitag, Des Moines, Iowa, and Mrs. Aug. E. Ott, Stutler, Alberta, Canada. He also leaves 17 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren to mourn his demise, as well as one brother, August Freitag, Sr., of Nicollet township. Some twenty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Freitag moved to Max, N. D. where they resided until returning to this village three years ago.Mr Freitag saw many hardships in the pioneer days and was a veteran of the Civil and Indian wars. He was accorded a military funeral. May the old soldier rest in peace.

unknown paper. Newspaper in possession of Ellen Rohr 
FREITAG, Albert O. (I2833)
2349 The Globe Hill Cheese Factor was built on the southwest corner of the Globe Hill Farm owned by John Chiber. It was located on the corner of Rocky Ridge and River Hills Road. Mr. Chiber made cheese here for many years. Walter Jonas was its first cheese maker and Melvin Sanders was the last one. It is now the home of the Tony Kittles.

The town of Texas 1856-1976

URL to cite for this work: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/WI.Texas 
JONAS, Walter Carl Ferdinand (I5315)
2350 The Granite Factory was located on the Whiskey Road about midway between the Church and the store. Henry Jonas was the first cheese maker and Fred Huebner the last one. When it closed its factory doors, it was made into a residential house. The house burned. Now a mobile home is on the lot.

The town of Texas

URL to cite for this work: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/WI.Texas 
JONAS, Henry John (I5169)

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