Jindra and Chaloupka Families

From Europe to Manitowoc County, WI

Jindra Family
Chaloupka Family
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2351 The Havre Plaindealer (MT), 20 April 1918

Old Timer Passes the Great Divide

E.A. Pepin, a pioneer resident of this city, died at the Sacred Heart hospital Monday afternoon after a protracted illness from Bright's disease. In an effort to prolong life, an operation was recently performed, but the disease had progressed too far for medical science to be of any avail.

Mr. Pepin came to this section in the early '80s, and first located at Fort Benton. Afterward he worked for the Broadwater-McCulloh outfit at Fort Assinniboine. He homesteaded 160 acres in what is now the heart of Havre, his homestead comprising that property now lying south of Third street and east of Fourth avenue. When the Klondike rush came Mr. Pepin disposed of his Havre property and sought the yellow metal in the north.

Deceased served for a number of years as deputy sheriff under Sheriff Buckley of Choteau county, and during the term of H.E. Loranger as Hill County sheriff he was under sheriff of this county.

Surviving the deceased is his wife, Helen Pepin, who is in critical condition and who until yesterday had not been notified of her husband's death. In addition to immediate family, Mr. Pepin is survived by four brothers and one sister.

Funeral services were conducted Wednesday morning from the Catholic church and the remains were laid to rest in Calvary cemetery. 
PEPIN, Elzear A. (I8005)
2352 The Henry and Lena Sporleder Buckendahl Family

Lena Sporleder was born October 4, 1873, at Joliet, Illinois. At age tw o, she moved with her parents to Carroll, Iowa. Later, they moved to Pierc e. She attended school and was confirmed into the Lutheran faith at St. John's Lu theran School east of Pierce.

Henry C. Buckendahl was born on March 27, 1867, at Hanover, Germany. He ca me to the United States with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buckendahl, when he was three years of age. Information from the Zion Lutheran Cemeter y, Henry Senior was born in 1837 and died in 1922. His wife was born in 18 41 and died in 1914. The family initially lived in Omaha, Nebraska and then h omesteaded a farm six miles east of Pierce.

Henry and Lena were married on February 18, 1890, at St. John's Lutheran C hurch. To this marriage were born seven sons; Fritz Wilhelm (Fred), Car l, Hugo J., Otto, Theodore, Edward, and Ruben as well as two daughters, Lizzie a nd Rose.

Henry and Lena purchased a homestead tract seven miles east of Pierce a nd farmed until 1907. They then moved to Pierce and engaged in the hardwa re and implement business.

After serving on the Pierce city council, Henry was elected mayor for thr ee terms. He served as the president of the Board of Directors of the Farm ers Grain Company and the Pierce County Fair and Agricultural Association. He w as a member of the Community Club. He was Chairman of the Board of Trustee s for the Zion Lutheran Church. At the time of his death, the local newspape r's obituary noted he, "was a man of honor and integrity. He was squa re in his business dealings and to this fact might be attributed his success as a Pi erce business man."

Henry suffered from diabetes for a number of years and underwent surge ry to amputate his left leg. The shock of the operation caused him to d ie of a heart attack on August 16, 1932, at the age of 64. Lena died September 24, 194 1, at the age of 67. She had been of ill health for more than a year and d ied because of a heart condition as well as other complications. 
BUCKENDAHL, Heinrich Christopher (I3115)
2353 The January term of Circuit court begins next Tuesday.
Case listed Mary Janda vs. Peter Radey November 26, 1897 
RADEJ, Petre (I1133)
2354 The Joseph Jindra premises were within the past week or two thoroughly papered, painted, and renovated, the work being done by Frank J. Stroh, of the county seat, the expert decorator.

The Advocate (Door County)
December 19, 1907
Volume 46, Issue 39, Page 10, Column 2. 
JINDRA, Joseph Sr. (I495)
2355 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Private (I5361)
written by Sophie (Londo) Madden

Source: Town of Hewitt bicentennial (1776-1976)
[Families of the town of Hewitt], pp. 50-128

Photo with article http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/WI/WI-idx?type=turn&id=WI.Hewitt&entity=WI.Hewitt.p0094&q1=londo

The Londo family came to Wisconsin from Canada about 1869, when my father, Adlor Londo, was about three years old. They were of French descent and spelled their name Langdeau which was the French spelling. It was later spelled Londo but pronounced the same.

They came as far as Stevens Point by train, and from there to Wausau by ox cart. The family consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Londo and 2 sons and 4 daughters. They purchased the block where the former Bellis Hotel stood now known as Hotel Wausau. They lived there a couple of years and then, my Grandfather homesteaded the North half of what is now the Fraaza Farms in the Town of Hewitt. There were no roads from Wausau out to the property, they had to chop a trail as they went and carry most of their belongings. Indians were living in the woods, and my father told me he used to play with the little Indian children, and he would ask my grandmother for bread and butter for them. He also told me my grandmother raised tomatoes as ornaments and would not leave them eat them as they were poison, but my father tasted them and liked them and ate them when Grandmother was not looking.

He also told of an old man that lived on the property just North of my Grandfather's. His name was Pete Shabuts, and father and his brother liked to play tricks on him. He traveled by dog sled and had a trail through the woods from his place to my grandfathers. One Halloween my Dad and his brother hung his sled up in a tree above the trail, and the old man could not find it. He told them later one day he was going along the trail praying that he would find his sled and he looked up to heaven and there it was hanging.

Gradually roads found their way to the farm and one was on the West side of the property now Highway "J".

My father and mother were married about 1889. A few years later my father took over the farm that my Grandfather, Uncle and my Father had cleared from the woods.

My mother was of German descent and came from Two Rivers, but this was one time the French and Germans agreed.

Our family consisted of 6 children, 3 sons and 3 daughters of which I was the fourth, and we were all raised on the homestead.

The first home I remember was built of 2 by 4's, one spiked on top of the other with square nails. It had a large living room and a huge kitchen
and four bedrooms. It was situated about in the middle of the farm.

During the time we children were growing up, we had a horse that had twin colts which were the delight of the family, and the talk of the neighbors. The mother died when the colts were I month old and we raised them by feeding them milk from a pan. When the pan was empty you had to run as they would turn and kick at you.

About 1913 my father built a new barn that was closer to the highway and a year later a new home was built, which of course we children thought was very grand. About 1930 that home burned down and the house that is presently on the property was built which has been remodeled since.

My brother Edmo took over the farm about 1940. The rest of the family were all married and had homes of their own. He sold the farm to Win. Behnke
about 1950 and it has changed hands several times since. Needless to say my early life was far different than it is now. We had no electricity, no running water, no indoor bathrooms, our bedrooms were very cold in the winter and my mother would heat a brick for us to take to bed to warm our feet. If we wished to go shopping, it was a long trip with horses and the roads were never plowed.

Sophie (Londo) Madden 
LONDO, Sophia Josephine (I5699)
2357 The manager was A.C. Teness until 1882

Frank Roullier has already taken possession of the Badger State House instead of May 1st as mentioned last week. The Manitowoc Pilot, April 4, 1901 page 8

The Badger State hotel at Mishicott has again changed hands, having been sold by Nicholas Nocker to Mr. Creton of that village. The transfer takes place at once. Manitowoc Daily Herald February 9, 1910

Mr. Nic Nocker sold the Badger State House for $7,100 to Mr. F. Creton. Mr. Nocker intends to invest in a small farm. The Manitowoc Pilot, February 10, 1910, Page 8

From the Mishicot Website

The Badget State House was built by brothers and Civil War Veterans August and John Terens not long after they mustered out of the service in 1964. August managed the badger as a hotel and barroom, while John built and operated a hardware store next door. The Badger was the first brick building in Mishicot.

Today, the Badger continues to operate as the Badger Bown and the Cozy Corner Cafe. The upstairs is now a private residence.

The date of the photograph is unknown, but is believed to have been taken around the turn of the century. 
NOCKER, Nicholas Franklin (I1002)
2358 The marriage of Chas. Vogtel and Miss Ida Freitag, of Nicollet, is announced for to-morrow. The groom is head book-keeper in the Swan Lake Mill and is a worthy young man. His m other and his sister, Mrs. Stolle, are residents of New Ulm, and among the young men of this city he has numerous friends, who, upon this occasion, will attend to him the heartiest of congratulations.

Dec 24 issue
Mrs. Chas. Stolle and daughter attended the Vogtel-Freitag wedding at Nicollet last Thursday. 
Family: VOGTEL, Charles / FREITAG, Ida H. (F1011)
2359 The Messenger Fort Dodge, IA listed as published 6/11/2004


FONDA — Waldo Sporleder, 89, died July 4, 2003. Graveside services will be 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Carroll City Cemeter y, Carroll, Iowa. Military Honors will be by Carroll American Legion. Arrangements are being handled by the Lampe Funeral Home in Lake City. 
SPORLEDER, Waldo (I4481)
2360 The naturalization papers of Johann Boy Sonksen were filed in Manitowoc County. They tell us that he was born in Schleswig-Holstein, subject to the Crown of Denmark in 1828. He immigrated to America and landed at the port of New York in June 1851. He renounced all allegiance to Frederick VII King of Denmark. His papers are dated November 1st 1852. SOENKSEN, Johann Boi (I5946)
2361 The obituary states that the Town of Morrison is in Manitowoc County. It is in Brown. SNYDER, Ralph M. (I6574)
2362 The probate file is a thick one and most of the documents are hard to read but I did find what you suspected---Baby Anna died Sept. 30, 1870 and not the mother. Several documents mentioned Anna Rady. I found a paper that listed the Guardians as Wencel Chloupek, #1 and Anna Wanish, #2 for the child. The child was the heir of Wenzel Wanish's estate which consisted of land which was sold for $558.00 and personal property of farm equipment, 2 cows, 2 horses and harness, 2 calves,. I wonder if that is why a guardian was appointed--because a child was the heir of an estate.
There were no death records of Wenzel or Baby Anna at the Register of Deeds. On baby Anna's birth info, Herlik is plain as day. 
WANISH, Anna (I2401)
2363 The Register-Guard September 17, 1999:
Eugene, Oregon

Delbert White

DRAIN - A memorial service will be held Sept. 19 for Delbert A. White of Drain, who died Sept. 14 of heart failure. He was 72.

White was born Oct. 3, 1926, in Minnesota to Howard and Ida White.

During World War II, he served in the Navy.

He married Ruby Kolp in Redwood Falls, Minn., on June 4, 1949. In 1956, the couple moved to Drain from Staples, Minn.

A graduate of Minnesota Bible College, White was an elder and the minister at Drain Church of Christ before retiring. He currently was the minister at Winston Christian Church.

His interests included hunting, gardening and camping. In addition to preaching and Bible study, he enjoyed family gatherings and vacations.

Survivors include his wife; a son, Lee of Drain; a daughter, Glenda Beer of Yoncalla; six grandchildren; and three great- grandchildren.

Visitation will be held from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Smith-Lund-Mills Funeral Chapel in Cottage Grove. Sunday's service will be at 3 p.m. at Drain Church of Christ. Private burial will be at Drain Cemetery.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Delbert White Memorial Fund, in care of Drain Church of Christ.

Given Name: Delbert
Middle Name: A
Surname: White
Name Suffix:
Birth Date: 3 October 1926
Social Security Number: 476-28-2778
State: Minnesota
Last Place of Residence: Douglas, Oregon
Previous Residence Postal Code: 97435
Event Date: 14 September 1999
Age: 73 
WHITE, Delbert Albert (I5564)
2364 The Sheboygan Press
Saturday, March 20, 1937

Mrs. Diederich's Funeral Services Will Be Monday Manitowoc, Wis.

Funeral services for Mrs. Carl Diederichs, 82, who died at her home in the town of Newton Thursday night, will be held Monday afternoon.

A service will be held at 1:30 o'clock at the Edwin Diederichs residence and another will be held at 2 o'clock in the Reformed church in the town of Newton. Burial will be in the church cemetery, and the body will lie in state at the Leschke Funeral Home from this afternoon until it is taken to the Diederichs residence Sunday at 1 p m.

Mrs. Diederichs was born Mary Carstens on June 3, 1854, in the town of Newton, the daughter of Herman and Marie Carstens, pioneer settlers of this county. On May 17, 1877, she was married to Carl Diederichs, who died 16 yean ago.

Survivors are two sons, Otto of Plymouth and Edwin on the homestead farm, one daughter, Mrs. Selma Gosse of Elkhart Lake, two sisters, Mrs. Dietrich Wenholz of Mishicot and Mrs. Carl G. Schmidt of Two Rivers, ten grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

She was a member of the Ladies' Aid society of the Reformed church. 
CARSTENS, Anna Maria Sophie (I1103)
2365 The Sheboygan Press December 11, 1931

1325 Michigan Ave, Sheboygan, Wis. Dear Santa:
I am a little boy 6 years of age. I can not write so my mother writes for me. I've been a good boy and would like a set of 10 pins, a stencil set, crayons, train and blocks and nuts and candy and a tree. Please don't forget my Aunt Claire. A very Merry Christmas to you Santa. Love, Ralph Radey.

The Sheboygan Press December 15, 1933 Dear Santa: I am sending you my list in time. I am a boy 8 years old. Please bring me a fire truck, a drawing book, paints, two storybooks, a game, crayons, nuggets, candy and a Christmas tree. Please don't forget my mother. Your little friend, Ralph Radey. 1335 Mehrtens Ave.

Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) > 1943 > October > 4 Entertains For Son Mrs. John Pausha 1335 Mehrtens avenue, entertained relatives and friends Saturday evening at her home in honor of her son, Ralph Radey, who has been inducted into the United States Marine corps. On October 7, he will leave for San Diego, Calif., where he will commence his boot training . During the evening card games were played by the guests. He received a purse of money from the group.

Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) > 1943 > October > 5 Two additional Marines on List from Sheboygan

Two additional registrants of local board No. 2 were accepted for service in the U.S.Marine Corps following their examination last week, and will report to the base according to orders received.

They are William Albert Zastrow of 1417 Center avenue and Ralph Joseph Radey of 13135 Mehrtens Avenue.

The induction papers were turned to their local board this morning so their names did not appear in the list of inductees printed in Monday's press .

Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) > 1949 > January > 31 Ralph J. Radey, 1335 Mehrtens avenue, and Marion L. Brown, 1337 Mehrtens a venue-in Sheboygan, February 5.

Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) > 1964 > November > 13 UFW Local Re-Elects Radey

Ralph Radey of 1422 N. 14th St. was re-elected vice president of Local 8 00 of the United Furniture Workers of America at the union's annual meeting Thursday night.
RADEY, Ralph Joesph Sr. (I1181)
2366 The St. Peter Herald says that, about three months ago, Herman Freitag, of Brown county, bought a team of horses from Henry Bode, of that city, and took the team from Mr. Bode's barn at Nicollet. About a week ago one of the horses made its escape from the pasture and found its way back to the Nicollet farm, some forty miles distant. The horse unassisted let down the bars, opened the stable door and was found in the morning in its old accustomed stall. Some sagacity about the animal surely. FREITAG, Herman J. (I904)
2367 The town board met in special session last Monday and at the request of Joseph Jindra transferred his saloon license to the building owned by him on the opposite side of the road from the old structure destroyed by fire on December 14th. Mr. Jindra, who was more or less seriously affected by inhaling smoke and heat at the time of the blaze, has now quite recovered therefrom. He reports the loss of all his books and papers, which were left downstairs, the safe being on the second floor. He also lost $200 or more in silver and currency, the money having likewise been placed elsewhere than in the receptacle. On top of this a policy for $1,000 had expired a short time before the fire, it being his intention to renew same, but it appears he waited a little too long. His loss will foot up $8,000 at least, with $2,000 insurance, which is a pretty bad blow for the family certainly.

The Advocate (Door County)
December 23, 1909
Volume 48, Issue 39, Page 1, column 5 
JINDRA, Joseph Sr. (I495)
2368 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I5688)
2369 The victim of the bulldozer fatal accident was identified by Kingston State Police as 47-year-old Vlastimil Jerry Knizak of the Town of Shandaken community of Highmount.

According to investigating officers from the Kingston Zone Headquarter at lake Katrine, Knizak was operating a bulldozer on this property shortly before 1 p.m. yesterday when it is beleived he backed the machine into a truck that was parked near where he was working.

Troopers said the victim of the mishap was crushed between the seat and dashboard of the bulldozer. It was sometime before the fatally injured man could be removed.

He was rushed by ambulance to the hospital in Margaretville where he was reportedly pronounced dead on arrival.

Investigators said Knizak was operating a machine owned by Howard Van Loan of Highmount the time of the accident.

Dr. Charles Huggins, an assistant coroner of Delaware County, investigated with troopers. Dr. Huggins reported after an examination of the body taht the victim's death was caused by a severed spinal cord and crushed chest and abdomen.

The body was taken from the hospital to a local funeral home.

Investigating the death were Bureau of Criminal Investigation officer Fred C. Cooper, Sergeant Henry S. Rhodes, and Trooper R. C. Schanck of the Lake Katrine station.

The Daily Freeman, Kingston, New York
Wed, Sep 02, 1970 ·Page 1 
KNIZAK, Vlastimil (I1327)
2370 The year 1882 was quite a busy year for Mr. Soenksen's milling business, as he ground during the year over, forty-eight thousand bushels of grain.
The Chronicle
Tue, Jan 09, 1883 ·Page 3 
SOENKSEN, Johann Boi (I5946)
2371 There is a George Eckart living in Antigo WI in the 1900 Census.
Age would match his.
He is married to a Barbara which matches a Manitowoc County Marriage
EKART: George
m: 13 Nov. 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.123)
to: Barbara Legro

Name: George Eckart
Home in 1900: Antigo, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 44
Birth Date: Dec 1855
Birthplace: Bohemia
Race: White
Ethnicity: American
Immigration Year: 1856
Relationship to head-of-house: Head
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Spouse's Name: Barbara
Marriage Year: 1878
Marital Status: Married
Years Married: 22
Residence : Antigo City, Langlade, Wisconsin
Occupation: View Image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
George Eckart 44
Barbara Eckart 50
George Eckart 17
John Eckart 12
Emma Eckart 6
Rosa Eckart 1
Ida Eckart 3.12 
ECKART, George (I5416)
2372 There is evidence that he is now buried in St. Luke's Cemetery in Chicago. KLEIST, Friedrich William (I1938)
2373 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Living (F137)
2374 There were Bozdech families still living in Radonice in 1869 according to the census. BOZDECH, Katharina (I1142)
2375 There were Bozdech families still living in Radonice in 1869 according to the census. BOZDECH, Stephan (I1147)

Mrs. Theresa Grall, 75, died early today at the Holy Family hospital. She had been making her home with her son, the late Joseph Grall of 926 South 26th
street who died last October.

Funeral services will be held at 8:45 a.m. Thursday at the Pfeffer funeral home and at 9:30 at the St. Michael's Catholic church, Whitelaw, the Rev. John Husslein officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery.

Mrs. Grall, nee Theresa Fischer, was born in Whitelaw and in 1894 was married to Anton Grall. They located in Whitelaw where Mr. Grall died 14 years ago.

Survivors are three sons, George and Erwin of Los Angeles and Charles of Grimms; brother, Joseph of Whitelaw; two sisters, Mrs. Peter Hartlaub of Franksville, Wis., and Mrs. Rose Brown of this city; 14 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.

The body may be viewed at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Tuesday where the rosary will be recited at 7 o'clock Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

Manitowoc Herald Times Monday, February 9, 1948 pg. 2
Note: Death year is off on transcription.
(Theresa (Mrs.)Grall/d. 9 Feb. 1948 from records of St. Michael's, Whitelaw) 
FISCHER, Theresa (I8240)
2377 This advertisement appeared regularly in the Chronicle in 1876-1883

B. Soenksen
Proprietor of
People's Mills
Merchant and Custom Work Done
The Highest Price Paid
For Wheat and other Grains
Flour & Feed Constantly on Hand

Also Manufacturer and Dealer in Lumber, Lath, &c

Mishicott. -- Wis.
The Chronicle
Tue, May 28, 1878 ·Page 2 
SOENKSEN, Johann Boi (I5946)
2378 This area was under Denmark rule at the time LENDT, Wilhelm (I5947)
2379 This couple possibly had a daughter named Gene according to the 1930 census. SCHMIDT, Wilhelm T. (I1839)
2380 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I439)
2381 This information may be incorrect. There were several Fred Freiss's in the area.

came through Baltimore. Ship name Braunschweig. Port of departure Bremen, Germany

The "Braunschweig" was built by R.Steele & Co, Greenock, Scotland in 1873 for Norddeutscher Lloyd [North German Lloyd]. She was a 3079 gross ton ship, length 351.3ft x beam 39.1ft, one funnel, two masts, iron construction, single screw and a speed of 12 knots. There was accommodation for 34-1st, 33-2nd and 600-3rd class passengers. Launched on 1/4/1873, she sailed from Bremen on her maiden voyage to Southampton and Baltimore on 9/9/1873. On 16/10/1880 she commenced sailing from Bremen to New York and after completing four round voyages on this service, was transferred on 13/1/1887 to the Bremen - Suez Canal - Far East run. On 13/1/1894, she resumed the Bremen - New York service and after eleven voyages, the last commencing 14/1/1896, continued on the Naples - New York run but on 30/5/1896, she commenced her last voyage and was scrapped the same year. [Posted to the Emigration-Ships Mailing List by Ted Finch - 19 September 1997] 
FREISS, Freidrich E. (I818)
2382 This is probably her Illinois Death Certificate
Certificate number 6007522 1936-03-10 COOK CHICAGO
Date filed 36-03-11 
RUST, Anna M. (I1857)
2383 This is the name that appears on her baptism record. CHALOUPKA, Grace Leona (I1344)
2384 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I1396)
2385 This may be the son of Roy and Lydia Jones Holleran. The address given for place of death is identical to the address of his mother at death. Roy appears in the 1940 census with his mother so must have been born in 1939 or 1940.

Name: Roy Holleran
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 08 Sep 1987
Event Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States
Address: 4077 S Archer
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Age (Estimated):
Marital Status:
Race: White
Birth Date: 1947
Birth Year (Estimated):
Birthplace: , ,
Death Year (Estimated):
Funeral Home: Rone Leja C C Med Exam Burial
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Cemetery: Gary Oakhill
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace:
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Titles and Terms:
Spouse's Gender:
Informant's Name: Dave Triana
Record Number:
Entry Number: 620255
Source Reference:
GS Film Number:
Digital Folder Number: 007595856
Image Number: 02009

Citing this Record:
"Illinois, Cook County Deaths, 1878-1939, 1955-1994," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QV9K-N5D7 : accessed 19 August 2015), Roy Holleran, 08 Sep 1987; citing Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States, source reference , record number , Cook County Courthouse, Chicago; FHL microfilm . 
HOLLERAN, Roy K. (I5360)
2386 This stone is knocked off it's base and now laying on the ground. LENHARDT, Franz Heinrich Sr. (I815)

The Two Rivers Reporter

T. Chaloupka Dies at Farm Home in Gibson
Pioneer of county who Lived in Gibson 65 Years Dies
Thomas Chaloupka, 78, a pioneer resident of Manitowoc county, who lived in the vicinity of the town of Gibson for 65 years, died in the township of Gibson yesterday. Death was due to complications attendant upon advancing age.

Born in Bohemia on December 15, 1859, Chaloupka came to this country and directly to Wisconsin when 13 years of age. For many years he engaged in farming, retiring several years ago to come to the residence where he resided until his death.

A first wife whom he married over 50 years ago, died a number of years ago and in 1898 he married Anna Shedivy who with four children: Mrs Willard Mott, Mrs. Sam Mott, Gibson, Edwin on the home farm, and Adolph of Larrabee, a brother Joseph of Mishicot, 28 grandchildren and five great grandchildren survive him.

The body is at the Specht funeral home at Mishicot and will be removed to the home tomorrow. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday from the Presbyterian church at Melnik, Rev. Junek officiating.

TWO RIVERS, (Special)-
Thomas Chloupka, 78, resident in the vicinity of the town of Gibson for 65 years, died at his home in Gibson township yesterday.

Born in Bohemia on December 15, 1859, Mr. Chloupka came to this country and directly to Wisconsin when 13 years of age. For many years he engaged in farming, retiring several years ago to come to the residence at which he died. His first wife died a number of years ago and in 1898 he married Anna Shedivy who, with four children, Mrs. Willard Mott and Mrs. Sam Mott, Gibson, Edwin, on the home farm and Adolph of Larrabee, a brother Joseph of Mishicot, 26 grandchildren and five great grandchildren survive him.

The body is at the Specht funeral home at Mishicot and will be removed to the home tomorrow. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock from the home and at 2:30 o'clock Saturday from the Presbyterian church at Melnik, Rev. Frank Junek officiating.
Herald Times August 26, 1937 pg. 2 
CHALOUPKA, Thomas (I1350)
2388 Thomas F. HartiganMontana, County Marriages, 1865-1950

Name: Thomas F. Hartigan
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 10 Sep 1895
Event Place: Helena, Lewis and Clark, Montana
Age: 40
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Birthplace: Long Meadow, Wis.
Birth Year (Estimated): 1855
Father's Name: Martin Hartigan
Mother's Name: Kate Foster
Spouse's Name: Lena Yendra
Spouse's Age: 30
Spouse's Marital Status: Single
Spouse's Race: White
Spouse's Birthplace: Maniteau, Wis
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1865
Spouse's Father's Name: George Yenda
Record Collection:
Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950
Document Information:Reference ID Vol E P31 CN2003
GS Film number 1906339
Digital Folder Number 4351367
Image Number 94
Citing this Record
"Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950," database with images, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F3QS-J4J : 21 May 2019), Thomas F. Hartigan and Lena Yendra, 10 Sep 1895; citing Marriage, Helena, Lewis and Clark, Montana, various county courthouses, Montana; FHL microfilm 1,906,339. 
Family: HARTIGAN, Thomas Francis / JINDRA, Magdalena (F151)

Thomas Wentker, 21, of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, died late Thursday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. The Rev.
Herbert Kesting will officiate and burial will be in the Mishicot Public Cemetery.

Mr. Wentker was born Dec, 22, 1952, the son of Robert and Betty Menges Wentker. He was graduated from Manitowoc Lutheran High School with the
class of 1971 and was employed at the Manitowoc Equipment Works.

Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wentker, of Rt. 2, Two Rivers; two brothers, (private); two sisters, Donna of Milwaukee
and Diane of home; and a nephew.

Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, after 3 p.m. Sunday until noon Monday and then at the church until the time of service.

Herald Times Reporter, Saturday, June 1, 1974 P.13 
WENTKER, Thomas (I202)
2390 Three applications were granted on charges of desertion. Hulda Jonas said William Jonas had left her shortly after their marriage.

Manitowoc Daily Herald June 13, 1913 
Family: JONAS, Wilhelm Frederich Heinrich / KLAUSCH, Hulda Louise (F1691)
2391 Three Souls are Called

Last week we briefly reported the death on Monday, Jan. 10, 1910 at the home of his son, Fritz Sporleder, in Sheridan township, of Carl Sporleder, aged 91 years, five months and four days. He was one of the few men in the county to reach such an advanced age. The events that have passed in history during his long life made and unmade nations, and the great achievements of science and inventions that have revolutionized the word and the condition of human life, were all brought about during the lifetime of this aged pilgrim.

Carl Sporleder was born at Dassel, Amt Einbech, Prov., Hanover, Germany, August 6, 1818. He was schooled there and was confirmed as a member of the Evang. Lutheran Church, which affiliation he maintained throughout the course of his long life of busy endeavor. At the age of 28 he was united in marriage to Miss Carolina Ernst, and there survive as the issue of their union, three sons, William, Sporleder, Pierce, Neb., Fritz Sporleder, Carroll, Ia., Henry Sporleder, Parsons, Kans., and Mina, Mrs. John Jonas, Two Rivers, Wis. There also survive many grand children and great-grand children.

Departed came to America in 1871, settling in Will county, Ill., where they resided until 1879, when they came to Carroll and he bought property in "West Carroll." It was while living there that his faithful wife died, 23 years ago, and since then he made his home with his sons, Henry and Fred.

The funeral was conducted from Emmanuel Lutheran Church Sheridan township, at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, January 12th. Pastor Schmidt conducting the services. Interment took place at the cemetery adjoining the church.

There was an unusually large attendance from the surrounding townships, including the town of Glidden and this city, for departed was a man whom all liked and respected. He was a patriarch, at whose feet of old those of younger years sat to listen to words of wisdom, the fruit of ripe years, and experience. Time mellows such an one's views. He calmly regards men's faults and failings with the charity denied to those whose blood flows firily and who act from impulse rather than deliberation. The life of this venerable Christian, living by the rules of his faith year after year, rearing his family in the knowledge and fear of God, what a splendid example is it to emulate! His virtues should furnish a lamp to the feet of others, groping their way in the darkness of spirit caused by sin. That his years, filled with virtue, goodness and good incentive, may continue to influence others to strive for a better life, to seek the path of perfection and be able. 
SPORLEDER, Carl Franz Ernest August (I919)
2392 To whom it may concern:

I hereby certify that Vincent Jindra
residing in the Town of Nasewaupee, Door county, Wisocnsin has applied to the Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Naseqaupee for a retail Class "B" Liquor License to sell, deal and traffic in intoxicating liquors for a period ending June 30, 1935 in the building on the NE corner of the NE of the NE Sec. 13 Town 27 Range 25 E. known as Isle of View Tavern
date this 14th day of June, 1934.
Ernest Eichhorn, Town Clerk. 
JINDRA, Vincent Frank (I502)

Todd C. Menges, 20, of Larrabee, died Monday afternoon, August 27, 1990, at Holy
Family Medical Center, Manitowoc.

Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Thursday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Town of Gibson. Rev. David Waege will officiated with burial to follow in the church cemetery.

Todd was born August 13, 1970, at Larrabee. He attended St. Lutheran School in Gibson and graduated from Manitowoc Lutheran High School with the Class of 1988. He attended Lakeshore Technical College and was employed at Buffalo Don's, Mishicot as a sales representative.

Survivors include his parents, three brothers and a sister-in-law; two sisters and a brother-in-law; his grandmother; seven nieces and nephews; aunts and uncles.

Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at the church from 1 p.m. until the time of service. Memorials may be made to St. John's School, Gibson.

Herald Times Reporter, August 28, 1990

(edited for living)
(cause of death blood clot in brain)

MENGES, Todd C. (I310)
2394 Tom Rohr, age 63, of 1332 Memorial Drive, died Friday, July 23, 2004 at his home surrounded by his wife and family.

Tom was born July 3, 1941 in Kewaunee, son of the late Flori-
an and Clara (Chapek) Rohr.

On February 4, 1990, he mar- ried the former Sandra Lem-
berger in Charleston, SC. Tom was employed with the Wiscon-
sin Labor Union where he worked with various construc-
tion companies. The couple also owned and operated Rohr Con-
cessions since 1981, also known as the "Mini Donuts." Tom
loved the outdoors, and he especially loved to hunt with his brothers, as well as fish and trap. He was an avid bowler and
sponsored the Rohr Concession Bowling Team. Tom also was in-
volved with the Manitowoc Expo as a member of the board
of directors for nine years.

Survivors include his wife: Sandy of Manitowoc; their chil-
dren: Ross (Barb) Rohr, Manitowoc, Dana (Debbie) Rohr,
Manitowoc, Trisha (Harris) Rosen, Orlando, Fla., Kelly Rohr, Green Bay, Gina Guzzello, Orlando, Fla., Heather Reindl, Two Rivers, Karen (Scott) Shimek, Milwaukee, Chrissy Barbier, Manitowoc, Kelly (Chad) Gulseth, Valders, and Colleen (Randy) Gulseth, Manitowoc; four brothers and three sisters-in-law: Jim (Jean), Bill (Cathy), David (Carol), and Mike Rohr, all of Kewaunee; two sisters and one brother-in-law: Florence (Wencil) Vlasak, Tisch Mills, and Joyce Sellers, Charleston, S.C .: and 24 grandchildren. He is further survived by many other relaties and friends. Tom was preceded in death by one brother; Florian Jr. a sister and brother-in-law: Nancy and Skip Rayome; a brother-in-law: Floyd Sellers; and a son-in-law: Dominic Reindl.

The family will greet relatives and friends Tuesday, July 27,
2004, from 4 until 6 p.m. at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Mani-
towoc. A memorial service will be held at the funeral home at 6
p.m., led by the Deacon Robert Drobka. Cremation has taken

The Pfeffer Funeral Home and Cremation Care Center is
assisting the family with funeral arrangements.

The family wishes to express their gratitude to the Aurora Hos-
pice Staff and the nurses from 3 West, along with Dr. Barylak and the Oncology Department at Aurora Medical Center.

Herald Times Reporter
July 25, 2004 
ROHR, Thomas Leo (I6970)
2395 Tombstone indicates she died on the first of June.
Obituary states she died the previous Friday which would have been May 29. 
SOUKUP, Josephine (I7921)
2396 Tombstone reads: Anna Kothout/zemerla/9 Dubna/1889/stari/38 roku Tombstone CHALOUPKA, Anna (I1713)
2397 Tombstone says 1941 SPORLEDER, Dean Ellis (I4506)
2398 Town Gibson Man Claimed

Henry Fischer, 7, Retired Road Worker, Dies

Henry Fischer, 71, lifelong resident of the town of Gibson and a retired county road worker, died at his home in Mishicot early this morning.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the St. Peter's Lutheran church in Mishicot. The Reva. Edward Zell will officiate and burial will be in the Mishicot cemetery. The body may be viewed at the Specht funeral home in Mishicot until 10 a.m. Tuesday when it will be moved to the church to lie in state until time of service.

Henry Fischer was born in the town of Gibson on November 12, 1872, the son of the late Claus and Johanna Kempfert Fischer. He married Arvilla(sic) Mott in 1898 and for many years the couple operated a county grader and served on the Gibson school board. Sixteen years ago he purchased a tavern in Larrabee and operated that establishment until a year ago when he was forced to retire because of ill health. Since that time he had been living in Mishicot.

Survivors are the widow, three brothers, John and William of Manitowoc and Claude of Kenosha; a half-sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Kind of Sheboygan.
Sat, Mar 11, 1944 ·Page 2

FISCHER, Heinrich Fried Wilhelm (I9364)
2399 Town Treasurer, but refused to qualify; Rudolph Bischoff did not find bod, Charles Meineke was appointed and approved. MEINEKE, Carl Peter (I25)
2400 Township: New Richland
County: Waseca
Name: Ida B Eckart
Birth Date: 5 Oct 1872
Death Date: 14 Nov 1959
Cemetery: St. Peter
Section: SE 
MOLDENHAUER, Ida Bertha (I5463)

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