From Europe to Manitowoc County, WI
Jindra Family
Chaloupka Family
Family Stories
Places of Interest
Matches 2,451 to 2,500 of 2,538
# | Notes | Linked to |
2451 | was in the movies according to elaine chaloupka | JONES, Byron Carlton (I5319)
2452 | was raised by Maria Margaretha's sister after her death and assumed the name Schwab | STAEFFLER, Joseph Edward (I881)
2453 | Waukesha Freeman (Waukesha, Wisconsin) > 1904 > April > 7 Mr. Joe Supita of Mukwonago is spending a few days with his brother Jake. Manitowoc Herald Times | Manitowoc, Wisconsin | Tuesday, September 26, 1961 | Page 1 Still Around The automobile might have replaced the horse as mode of transportation throughout Manitowoc County but there are still a number of horseshoers in business in 1961. Included on the list are Walter Lambert of Kingsbridge, James Pivonka of Mishicot, A. Witt and on of Four Corners, John Shupita of Francis Creek, Joseph Staudinger of Whitclaw, Joseph Carbon of Branch and Arndt Pcderson of Clarks Mills. Manitowoc Herald Times (Manitowoc, Wisconsin) > 1965 > November > 17 Shupita Funeral Funeral services for Joseph H. Shupita, 86, of Francis Creek, who died Tuesday at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, will be at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville, and at 10 a.m. at St. Ann Catholic Church, Francis Creek. The Rev. John Haen will officiate and burial will be in the church cemetery. Mr. Shupita was born Feb. 20, 1879, in the town of Gibson, son of the late Jacob and Catherine Lestina Shupita. He married Emma Sladky Sept. 28, 1910 at St. Ann Church and the couple resided on the Shupita homestead farm. In 1914, he established a blacksmith shop at Francis Creek and followed the trade 64 years, retiring a year ago. Mr. Shupita had spent two winters with his son-in-law and daughter and had resided with them since August. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Wencel F. (Mabel) Dufek, of Manitowoc, a son, Harry, of Manitowoc, three grandchildren and a great grandchild. A son, two brothers and a sister preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home where at 8 o'clock this Wednesday evening the Rosary will be recited. | SHUPITA, Joseph H. (I7047)
2454 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I6004)
2455 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I5399)
2456 | We believe Frank was born in Wisconsin. This is based on Census records. It is possible that his mother was pregnant when she arrived at the port of New York in November 1872. Frank was born just a few months later. | SUPITA, Frank (I7048)
2457 | We don't know what project Joseph worked on but this is a little history of the WPA Project in Manitowoc County. 1935 to 1943: Works Progress Administration, later known as the Works Projects Administration (WPA), employed local workforce to help workers and the economy during the depression. 1937: 280 acres acquired for what would become Point Beach State Forest. This included 80 acres of surplus land from the lighthouse donated by the U.S. Government. 1938: Manitowoc County Board appropriated $9,500 for land purchases north of Two Rivers for transfer to the state to develop into a park. The State of Wisconsin, along with Manitowoc County and the City of Two Rivers, purchased an additional 724 acres. 1939: WPA began work on road construction and developing a forest lodge. The lumber came from this forest and shakes came from the Lake Elba prison camp at Rhinelander. Rip-rap came from the Jambo Creek area. Tree planting also began this year with 475,000 trees planted, mostly red pine but also 5,000 white pine and 2,000 spruces. 1940: The administration building was completed. | RADEY, Joseph Thomas (I1229)
2458 | We have no evidence of Anton's death or burial location. We do not know if he was religious or attended church. | HONZIK, Anton (I949)
2459 | We regret the fact that Mr. Richard Soenksen has severed his connection with the local mill. We are sorry to lose Mr. Soenksen, for he ir(sic) one of our most respenced citizens and a congenial friend. He has accepted a position as miller in Mishicott, and will move thither next month. | SOENKSEN, Richard (I6104)
2460 | Wednesday Service for Crash Victim MISHICOT-Military funeral rites for Pfc. Donald G. Tuma, 20-year-old soldier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doolan Tuma, R.2, Two Rivers, will be held here Wednesday morning. Tuma, one of a family of nine children, was among 27 killed Nov. 18 in the fiery crash of an eastbound airliner in a suburban residental district only two miles from its Boeing Field take-off point. Forty-seven other persons survived the crash. The Manitowoc County soldier, on his way home for a Thanksgiving furlough after 18 months in Korea, had called his parents upon arrival in Seattle only a day before the fatal crash, informing them of his intention to fly home immediately. With Tuma's body scheduled to arrive in Manitowoc today, the requiem mass is planned for Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, at 10 a.m. Wednesday. The Rev. George Beth, pastor, will be the celebrant. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. The mass will follow brief rites at the Specht Funeral Home here. A graveside military service will be conducted by members of the local Kempen-Staudinger-Terens Post 7753, Veterans of Foreigh Wars. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 o'clock this evening. Born in Two Rivers, Oct. 10, 1935, Tuma moved with his parents to a town of Gibson farm when a boy of six. He graduated from Mishicot High School in 1953 and while at school was active if in Future Farmers of America. He entered the military service two years ago and would have had another year to service before discharge. Surviving, in addition to his parents, are two sisters, the Misses Janice and Joanne, both at home; and six brothers, James, Rt. 2, Manitowoc, and Richard, Wayne, Gregory, Peter and Paul, all at home. ******** Likely from a different paper Because of the delay in the arrival of the casket, due to a rock slide on state of Washington railroad tracks, funeral services for Pfc. Donald G. Tuma, 20, Town of Gibson, who was killed in a crash of an Army transport plane at Seattle, Wash., on Nov. 18, will be held at Mishicot Thursday morning instead of Wednesday. Military services, to be conducted by the Kempen-Staudinger-Terens Post 7755, VFW, Mishicot, will be held at 9:30 a.m. at the Specht Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. George Beth will officiate and interment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Tuesday where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Tuesday and 8 p.m. Wednesday. (No newspaper named or date) | TUMA, PFC Donald Gene (I437)
2461 | Wenceslaus was baptised 26 August 1866 From notes of Lilian Tuma Radey (daughter of deceased) written 1976. Wencel died at the age of 55. Cause of death was obstruction of the bowels . I believe actual age was 65 | TUMA, Wencel (I412)
2462 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I6848)
2463 | WENDELIN STELZER The funeral of the late Wendelin Stelzer, a pioneer settler of the county was held at St. Patrick’s church at Maple Grove today. Mr. Stelzer, who was past 70, came here as a youth of 17 and cleared his own farm and had been engaged in agriculture for over a half a century. He is survived by a widow and six sons. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, March 13, 1915, Page 1 *******(died town of Franklin/b. 8 Apr. 1845/father: Anton Stelzer, b. Germany) from website | STELZER, Wendelin (I8923)
2464 | WENZEL FRONEK Wenzel Fronek, who died Wednesday, May 6, was born in Czechoslovakia on Se ptember 28, 1850. In 1888 he came to America and settled in Coal City, Il l. From there he came to Langlade county in 1900 and settled in the to wn of Ackley, where he had lived since. His wife preceded him in death ele ven years ago. Surviving the deceased are three daughters and two sons: Mrs. John C. Grah am, Mary Budzelini, and Emily of Chicago; John and James of Ackley, fourte en grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the McCandless and Zobel Funeral Home Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in the Stengl cemetery. ANTIGO DAILY JOURNAL - Antigo, Wisconsin Thursday, 7 May 1936 | FRONEK, Vaclav (I2576)
2465 | Wenzel Honzik and Jan Chaloupka received their Naturalization/Declaration of intent on the same day. Joeseph Cisler was witness for both. Source is Manitowoc County Naturalization records Certificate Number H 522 Honzik, Wenzel Date June 12, 1888 Where Born Bohemia When born about 1858 Circuit Court Manitowoc Name of Witnesses Joseph Cisler Date and Port of Arrival in US October 1873 New York | HONZIK, Wenzel Anton (I947)
2466 | Wenzel Zima, 67, Loses Life in Manitowoc Fatal Accident Near His Home on South Side MANITOWOC - Wenzel Zima 67, struck down as he apparently was crossing the street to his parked automobile. died at Holy Family Hospital shortly after 8 p.m. Wednesday of injuries received in the accident. CIty police said Zima, a retired carpenter-contractor who resided at 1608-A Marshall St.. was crossing the street i the middle of the block near his home when he ws struck by a 1959 model automobile driven by Donald Bouril, 31, of Francis Creek. The accident occurred about 4:50 p.m. when drakness had already fallen Bouril told investigating officers that he was westbound on Marshall at a speed of between 20 and 25 miles an hour when he noticed a dark object in the street. He applied the brakes immediately but was not able to avoid striking Zima Bouril said it was "very dark" at the time and that Zima was wearing dark clothing. When examined at the scene, Zima had the keys to his car still clenched in his hand. The auto was parked near the house on the north side of the street, police said. Fourt of Year Coroner Đr Theodore Teitgen attributed Zima's death to internal hemorrhaging. He suffered a e broken pelvis and right ankle. Dr. Teitgen indicated there would be an inquest into the death. Bouril, a salesman for the Erd man Motor Co., was on his way to visit a new car prospect on he south side. He was driving a company automobile. Zima's death was the fourth traffic fatality in the City of Manitowoc so far this year and gave the county an overall toll of 23, two more than the 1957 figure Previous city victims were Klaus E: Larson, 60, Great Lakes seaman, killed by a car while crossing the street on the night of March 2: Mrs. Esther, Westover, 36, of 1109 Park Row Blvd., whose vehicle crashed into a tree May 30, and Patricia Ann Wells, 6, of 1521 Grand Ave., who was run down by a car near her home July 11. Retired In 1958 Zima was born at Stangelville April 11, 1890, son of the late Charles and Anna Rebitz Zima He attended schools at, Stangelville and Sept. 20, 1915, married Viola Nocker at Mishicot. The couple established residence at Manitowoc. He had been a carpenter-conractor for many years at Man- towoc and had been working with a brother, Matt. He retired from active occupation in 1952.. Zima was a member of the Holy Name Society of St. Boniface Church. Surviving are his wife, a son, Donald, of Algoma, a daughter, Mrs. Charles Sindelar, of the city, two sisters, Mrs. Emil Buresh, of Milwaukee, a twin, and Mrs. Albert Dufek Sr., of Denmark: a brother, Matt, of the city; and eight grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at St. Boniface Catholic Church. The Rev. Alfred Pritzl will officiate and burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Friday where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. by the Holy Name Society. | ZIMA, Wenzel Mathias (I2673)
2467 | WENZIL SHEDIVY RITES PLANNED Funeral of Man Who Died On Hunt Is Thursday The body of Wenzil Shedivy, 68-year-old Tish Mills resident who died of heart failure while in the act of shooting a deer in the woods near Ironwood, Mich.,on Monday was brought to the Jansky funeral home at Two Rivers yesterday. Burial will take place ????? from the St. Mary's Catholic church at Tisch Mills. The deceased was born in Bohemia and came here with his parents at an early age, the family settling on a farm near Tisch Mills. A widow, two daughters, Mrs. Rudolph Prucha, Two Rivers and Mrs. Chuloupka, Tisch Mills, three brothers, Frank of Two Rivers, Anton of Mishicot, and Joseph of Tisch Mills, and a sister, Mrs. Joseph Miler (sic) of Tisch Mills survive. For a number of years Mr. Shedivy resided in the village of Tisch Mills, disposing of his farm near that place. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, November 23, 1932 P.2 | SHEDIVY, Wenzel (I7232)
2468 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I429)
2469 | west side of the cemetery on the fence line under a tree | MIRKES, Vernon (I384)
2470 | west side of the cemetery on the fence line under a tree | TUMA, Violet Mabel (I421)
2471 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: Living / Living (F28)
2472 | When John moved to Montana his age consistently appeared in the census as 1 to 2 years younger. On his WWI Draft registration card his year of birth was listed as 1889. His record at the Calvary Cemetery on FindAGrave lists his year of birth as 1880. | RADEY, John James (I2394)
2473 | While coming over to America by boat when she was less than a year old, Wilhelmine Boell ran a high fever. If the ship's medic or doctor thought any one had a communicable disease, the person would be thrown overboard to prevent the spread of the disease to others. Her parents obtained some ice from the ship's mess (kitchen) to pack in her crib to keep her temperature down and thus prevented Wilhelmine from running a fever with the ominous consequence. | BOELL, Wilhelmine Ferdinandine Marie Caroline (I4473)
2474 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I4909)
2475 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I5426)
2476 | WILHELM KUNZ Name: William Kunz Age: 2 Sex: M B.P. Wis Mo. Apr, 1870 Cause: Scarlet Fever Fam.# on census: 7 Township: Man. Rpds. "1870 Mortality Schedule From Census" | KUNZ, Wilhelm (I7593)
2477 | Will Co., IL | WERNER, Franziska (I4259)
2478 | Will initially settled in the Chicago area and lived with his uncle where he was employed in a machine shop. Will subsequently moved to Joliet, Illinois and then Mokena, Illinois. The various news articles published at the time of their respective deat hs give different Illinois locations for their marriage: McKinney, Joliet and Mokena. They later moved to Carroll County, Iowa where they purchased a farm. The family appeared on the 1880 Grant, Carroll, Iowa Federal Census pg 6 family 57. In 1881, they moved to Pierce, Nebraska where they purchased a farm that was their home for 27 years until 1908. They retired in the community of Pierce. From Will's obit Deceased was possessed of that rugged character and spirit that made up the pioneers who developed a new country. He came here in 1881 and experienced the rigors and hardships of those early years. He was progressive and took a great interest in the affairs of state and community. He was loved for his friendliness and interest in his neighbor and fellow man. He was a Christian all of his life, being a member of the Lutheran faith. He was the oldest member of the Zion Lutheran Church at Pierce and faithful at tendant at all services of that congregation. Marie and Will were considered pioneers in the settlement of the Pierce area. A picture of them, as well as the baptismal gown worn by their children at their baptism is on display at the Pierce Museum. Schafkopt Whenever there was a gathering of the Will and Marie Sporleder family for a birthday or holiday, the men usually passed the time playing card games. As a young child, Verna Sporleder Weber recalls the card game called "Schafkopt ." "Schaft" is the German word for sheep while the German word for head is "Kopt." Verna remembers that Grandpa Will Sporleder's self-appointed task was to draw a sheep's head complete with curved horns with lines through them. As the game progressed, the lines were filled in and each mark had its own meaning as way of keeping score. | SPORLEDER, Carl Friedreich Wilhelm (I3034)
2479 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I390)
2480 | William Henry Jonas Fox Lake Representative Volume 82 Page 1 Thursday January 18, 1951 William Henry Jonas, 76 passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ella Davis, early Monday morning. Death was attributed to a heart condition. The deceased was born August 7, 1874, in Illinois, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jonas. While he was still a baby the family moved to Two Rivers, Wis. On February 21, 1905 he married Hulda Klusch, and following his marriage moved to Medford. In 1920 he moved to Cambria and in 1940 to a farm near Fox Lake. His wife preceded him in death January 6, 1946 and since then he has made his home with his daughter. He was actively employed until the time of his death working for his son-in-law, Carl Davis, a building contractor. Survivors are six sons and four daughters, Mrs. Elsie Zeman, Manitowoc, Mrs. Ella Davis, Fox Lake, Earhardt, Rudolph, Mrs. Gertrude Mullin, Fox Lake, Mrs. Anna Manthey, Pardeeville, Walter, Portage, Melvin, Beaver Dam, Marvin Fox Lake, William, Waukesha, and Harvey, Beaver Dam. Also surviving are; three brothers, Fred, Two Riers(sic), Henry, Waukesha and Walter, Chicago; two sisters, Mrs. Herman Tess of Sturgeon Bay and Mrs. Winton Raper of Chicago; and eleven grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2:00 P.M. Thursday at St. John's Lutheran Church in the city. Rev. G. W. Zunker officiated and interment was at Waushara cemetery. | JONAS, Wilhelm Frederich Heinrich (I5016)
2481 | William J. Kohlbeck former Town of Cato, Resident died Saturday morning following a heart attack at Detroit where he operated a restaurant and delicatessen store. He was 50. Funeral services will be at 8:45 a.m. Wednesday at Saur Funeral Home, kellnersville, and at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at Saur Funeral HOme, Kellnersville, and at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, Clarks Mills. The Rev. Richard Birdsall, S.D.S. will officiate and burial will be in the church cemetery. Mr. Kohlbeck was born in the Town of Cato May 23, 1908, son of the late Anton and Clara Vogel Kohlbeck. He attended St. mary Catholic School at Clarks Mills. In his early years he became interested in the hotel business and was employed at a hotel in Chicago and at Hotel Manitowoc. Seventeen years ago he moved to Detroit where he was manager of Hotel Barlun. Four years ago he took over operation of a restaurant and delicatessen store. He married the former Beatrice Shimek of Kellnersville Aug 26, 1943. a member of the Elks Lodge at Detroit, Mr. Kohlbeck was a prominent bowler and was an active golfer. Surviving are his wife, two sisters, Mrs. Lawrence Grall of Manitowoc and Mrs. Leonard Alfson of Clarks Mills; two brothers, Edward L. of Manitowoc and Robert of Clark Mills; and several nieces and nephews. A sister preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Tuesday where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Two Rivers Reporter Mon, Jul 07, 1958 ·Page 11 William Kohlbeck, former Town of Cato resident died Saturday morning following a heart attack at Detroit where he operated a restaurant and delicatessen store. Funeral services will be at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday at Saur Funeral Home, Kellnersville and at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, Clarks Mills. The Rev. Richard Birdsall, S.H.S. will officiate and burial will be in the church cemetery. Mr. Kohlbeck was born in the Town of Cato, May 23, 1908, son of the late Anton and Clara Vogel Kohlbeck. He attended St. Mary Catholic School at Clarks Mills. In his early years he became interested in the hotel business and was employed at a hotel in Chicago and at Hotel Manitowoc. Seventeen years ago he moved to Detroit where he was manager of Hotel (illegible). Four years ago he took over operation of a restaurant and delicatessen store. He married the former Beatrice Shimek of Kellnersville August 26, 1943. A member of the Elks Lodge at Detroit, Mr. Kohlbeck was a prominent bowler and was an avid golfer. Surviving are his wife, two sisters, Mrs. Lawrence Grall of Manitowoc and Mrs. Leonard Alpon of Clarks Mills; two brothers, Edward of Manitowoc and Robert of Clarks Mills and several nieces and nephews. A sister preceded him in death. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Tuesday where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Manitowoc Herald Times – Monday July 7, 1958 | KOHLBECK, William (I8796)
2482 | WILLIAM J. MENGES (d.1972) William J. Menges, Sr., 82, of Rt. 2, Two Rivers, retired general store and feed mill operator at Larrabee, Town of Gibson, died Sunday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church Town of Gibson, the Rev. Percy Damrow officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining church cemetery. Mr. Menges was born Dec. 2, 1889, in Two Rivers, son of the late Phillip and Mary Hardt Menges. Learning the Cheese making trade in his earlier years he built and operated a cheese factory at Two Creeks in 1916. In 1926, he disposed of the business and established that year a general store at Larrabee where he also built an adjoining feed mill. He operated the enterprise until his retirement in 1956. He was treasurer of the Town of Gibson for four years and town assessor for three years. He married Nora Meineke at St. John Church at Two Rivers, June 12, 1917. The couple celebrated its golden wedding anniversary at Mishicot in 1967. Besides his wife he leaves two daughters, two sons, two sisters; 27 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren. Three brothers and a granddaughter preceded him in death. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home Mishicot, after 4 o'clock this Monday afternoon until 11:30 a.m. Tuesday when the casket will be taken to the church where the body will lie in state until the time of service. Memorials may be sent to Manitowoc Lutheran High School. Manitowoc Herald Times, 1972 October 2, Edited for Living ******** (Dec 02, 1889/Oct 1972/SSDI) From website | MENGES, William J. (I124)
2483 | William Lendt was born in 1803 and was married to Dorothy, sister to the sister of Wilhelmine Blum. The Naturalization papers of Wm. Lendt tell us that he filed for citizenship in Brown County, Wisconsin, was born in Denmark in 1803, that he emigrated to the United States and landed at the port of New York on or about the month of July in the year 1847. He stated his desire to become a citizen of the United States and renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty whatever and particularly to Christian Rex, King of Denmark, whereof he is a subject. Subscribed and sworn to the 23rd day of August A.D. 1847 signed William Lendt. In 1854 William Lendt purchased the SE1/4 of NW1/4 Township of Gibson from Mary and T.M. Sprague. Those present were Boy Sonksen and Fred Ulrich. LENDT: Wm. (article in Der Nord Westen, 2 Dec. 1880, about Golden Anniversary. Also they are the parents of Mrs. Boy Songsen) | LENDT, Wilhelm (I5947)
2484 | William Lendt, one of the old residents of the county, coming here as early as 1847, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. Soenksen, of Mishicott, last Thursday at the ripe age of 88 years and 9 months. The Chronicle Tue, Jun 30, 1891 ·Page 3 | LENDT, Wilhelm (I5947)
2485 | WILLIAM MEINEKE William Meineke, 80, of Mishicot, died Sunday afternoon, January 17, at Shady Lane Home, Manitowoc. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. The Rev. Herbert Kesting will officiate and burial will be in Mishicot Public Cemetery. Mr. Meineke was born April 14, 1901, in the Town of Two Rivers, son of the late Charles and Minnie Schmidt Meineke. He married Mae Redeker Oct. 6, 1923, at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mishicot. She preceded him in death July 10, 1969. He was owner and operator of Meineke Garage for many years. He was a member of St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church and trustee of the church and director of Mishicot Public Cemetery for many years. He was a past member of Mishicot Village Board and charter member of Mishicot Lions Club. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Donald and Joann Meineke of Manitowoc and Dale and Janice Meineke of Mishicot; three brothers, Raymond of Manitowoc and Harold and Erhardt of Two Rivers, five grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Three sisters, two brothers, a granddaughter and two great grand-children preceded him in death. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday and at the church from noon Wednesday until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, Jan. 18, 1982 p.3 | MEINEKE, William (I58)
2486 | William Mueller, 76, is Dead, Aged 76. Veteran Furniture Dealer and Undertaker of County Passed Away Saturday. William Mueller, lifelong resident of the county and lately retired from the furniture and undertaking business at Mishicot, passed away peacefully at the family home at Mishicot Saturday evening after suffering a relapse from a physical and nervous breakdown of more than a year ago. The funeral will be held from the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock and burial will be at the Mishicot Cemetery. Deceased was 76 years old, having been born in the town of Mishicot August 31, 1851. He received his early education in the Saxonburg school which was located on his father’s farm and at the age of fourteen, left home to learn the wagonmaker’s trade. For five years, he was employed by F. Bruemmer at Mishicot and then went to Milwaukee and St. Louis where he worked at his trade until 1882 when he returned to Mishicot and continued to make his home until his death. He engaged in the furniture and undertaking business in 1898, taking over the business from his brother, Bruno Mueller. In 1878, Mr. Mueller was married to Miss Josephine Wagner of Mishicot who passed away in 1890. Two children were born to that union, Eleanor, wife of Dr. W.W. Brown of Minneapolis, and Laura, who married H.H. Schroeder of New England, North Dakota. Mr. Mueller was married a second time in 1903 to Miss Minnie Specht of Mishicot who, with two daughters by the first marriage, one brother, Albert Mueller, and a sister, Mrs. Anton Vogt, of Tacoma, Washington, and three grandchildren, Lorine Brown and Marie Janice and Juel Schroeder, survive him. In politics, Mr. Mueller was a democrat and held a number of town offices. He was also president and a director of the State Bank of Mishicot and was always identified with movements for advancement of the village. He was widely known throughout the county and was popular. Manitowoc Herald News, September 26, 1927 | MUELLER, William (I7742)
2487 | WILLIAM R. MENGES (d.1991) William R. Menges, 64, of 14124 Highway Q, Two Rivers, died Friday morning, March 8, 1991, at a Phoenix, Ariz., hospital. Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, town of Gibson. Rev. Maurice Hoppe will officiate. Burial will be at the church cemetery with Mishicot VFW Military Graveside rites. He was born May 28, 1926, at Two Creeks, son of the late William J. and Nora Meineke Menges. He served with the United States Navy during World War II. He married the former Elaine Brouchoud onJune 21, 1947, at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. Mr. Menges was a salesman for Oriental Milling Company, Manitowoc for 30 years, retiring in 1989. He was a member and past officer of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, member of Mishicot VFW Kempen-Staudinger-Terens Post No. 7753. He received the Lakeshore Hall of Fame Achievement Award for 35 years of active participation in the Manitowoc County Softball Leagues. Survivors include his wife, Elaine; six sons and daughters-in-law; three daughters and sons-in-law and 24 grandchildren; James and Bonnie of Savage, Minn., and their children, Andrew, Lauren, Katie; Jerry and Sue of Manitowoc and their children, Matthew,Michelle, John; David and Naomi of Lewiston, Minn., and their children, Becky, Ben, Nathan, Tim, Bethany,Micah, Rachel, Emilie, Callie; Donald of Phoenix, Ariz.; and daughter, Abbie, Marsha and Jim LeClair of Francis Creek; a brother and sister-in-law, Paul and Carol Menges of Larrabee; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Betty and Robert Wentker of Larrabee, Mildred and Harold Haese of Manitowoc. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Jane. Friends may call at Lambert Funeral Home, Mishicot, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the church from 12 noon until the time of services. Herald Times Reporter, March 12, 1991 P. B10 ******** (28 May 1926/08 Mar 1991/SSDI) From website | MENGES, William R. Jr (I196)
2488 | WILLIAM RETZLAFF William Retzlaff, 53, retired farmer of Two Creeks, died Sunday in the Municipal hospital in Two Rivers. He was stricken with pneumonia two weeks ago. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. from the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home and at two o'clock from the St. .John's Lutheran church, Two Rivers. Burial will be in the Mishicot cemetery. Mr. Retzlaff was born in the town of Two Creeks on October 16, 1886 and spent and spent his entire life in the town until the time he moved to Two Rivers four years ago. He engaged in farming. On June 18, 1936, he married Miss Irma Fr___ who survives with one sister, Mrs. Edward Guetschow, town of Two Creeks, and one brother, Carl, of the town of Two Rivers. The body is at the Klein & Stangel, Inc., funeral home and may be viewed there until the time of the funeral. Manitowoc Herald Times, Monday, April 29, 1940 | RETZLAFF, William (I825)
2489 | WILLIAM SCHAEFER SR. William Schaefer Sr., 89, of 1807 Emmet Street, Two Rivers, died Saturday evening, August 10, at North Ridge Care Center, Manitowoc. Mr. Schaefer was born November 23, 1895, in the Town of Two Rivers, son of the late Phillip and Mary Meineke Schaefer Sr. Mr. Schaefer was a Veteran of World War I. He married the former Helen Martin on December 12, 1923, at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. Mr. Schaefer was a long time employee of Hamilton Industries, retiring 24 years ago. He was a member of Two Rivers Senior Citizens and Hamilton Good Fellowship Club. Survivors include his wife, Helen; three sons and two daughters-in-law, William Jr. and Jacqueline Schaefer, John and Kathleen Schaefer and Robert Schaefer, all of Two Rivers; a brother and a sister-in-law, Royal and Lydia Schaefer of Sumner, Washington; four grandchildren and six great grandchildren also survived. He was preceded in death by three sisters and a brother. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, with entombment to follow at Knollwood Mausoleum. Memorials would be appreciated to Manitowoc Lutheran High School. --Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter, August 12, 1985 P. 3 | SCHAEFER, William Sr. (I382)
2490 | William's uniform and other memorabilia is on display at the Mishicot Museum, Mishicot, Wisconsin. | BLUM, Wilhelm Heinrich (I1020)
2491 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: Living / Living (F2382)
2492 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Private (I5314)
2493 | Winfield Larson Winfield larson, 66 former Sturgeon Bay businessman and developer, died Saturday afternoon at Sebring, Fla. Larson was former co-owner of Win and Jo-Jo's tavern and cottages, now Babe & Ray's, founded Larson Sanitation Service and the Larson Trailer Court and also built the 4-arrows Restaurant. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Quentin (Shirly) Hunt, and two grandchildren. Funeral Services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wendesday at the Warren Fuenral Home in Sebring, Fla. Burial will be in Florida. | LARSON, Winfield (I6910)
2494 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Private (I5830)
2495 | Winton and Lizzie lived in Chicago Southeast Economist | Chicago, Illinois | Thursday, May 17, 1956 | Page 23 Install New Officers Of Wilcox Relief Corps Mrs. Vera Hoyler, 1023S S May st, was installed as president of Wilcox Woman's Relief Corps 237, at a meeting in Graver park fieldhouse, 1518 W 102nd pl. Other officers installed were Mrs. Emma Schroelmg, 1348 W 97th st, senior vice president Mrs Wilma Schegelmilch, 10238 S Carpenter st, junior vice president; Mrs Margaret White 345 W 73rd st., secretary, Mrs Irene Wilson, 10227 S. May st. treasurer; Mrs Nellie Ovitt, 994 S. Throop st, chaplain, and Mrs Louise Raper, 9612 S. Charles st, guard. Also installed were Mrs. Minnie Kauk, 10730 S. Charles st guard; Mrs. May Anderson, 9737 S. Prospect ave, patriotic instructor; Mrs. Rose Joblecki 12729 S Wallace st., assistant conductor. Mrs William Anderson, 9837 S. Prospect ave, conducted the meeting. | JONAS, Louise J. (I5166)
2496 | Winton was employed as a paper in 1917 by Henry Andricks. Winton served as a fireman in the Navy on the USS PRESTON in 1910. In 1930 Winton and Louise were living in Calumet Township, Chicago 19th Ward Block 58. They are listed as living on 9612 Charles Street Family 38. Theodore J Jonas (or Jones), a cousin, is living with them. Theodore is 21 and listed as being born in Arkansas. His parents also listed as being born in Arkansas. Year: 1930; Census Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 449; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 2583; Suburbanite Economist | Chicago, Illinois | Wednesday, February 17, 1971 | Page 95 Lot 50x157 Land Value1609 Property Value 3505 Lake Township 9612 Charles Street | RAPER, Winton Theopilous (I5167)
2497 | Wisconsin Brith Records Name Birth Date County Reel Record Virgil D Avery 08 Mar 1904 Waupaca 0305 000550 | AVERY, Virgil Dillon (I6510)
2498 | Wisconsin Department of Health Services; Madison, WI, USA; Wisconsin Death Records, Pre-Oct 1907 Name Mary Bartl Death Date 23 Apr 1895 Death County Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA MARY BARTL Death of Mrs. Bartel(sic) on Tues. in her residence near the cloister at Silver Lake. She is the widow of Lorenz Bartel who was killed several years ago by a runaway team of horses. We have not been advised of the deceased's age or cause of death. The funeral will be taking place this morning at the Silver Lake Cemetery. Der Nord Westen, 25 Apr. 1895 ******** Mary Bartl birth: 1818 Germany death: 23 April 1895 Manitowoc Rapids, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Alverno, Manit. Co., spouse: Lawrence Bartl Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ******** (Mary Bartl/d. Apr. 23, 1895 (co. death index v.4 p.328) | KRAAL, Maria A. (I8765)
2499 | Wisconsin Marriage Records Volume 1 page 308 | Family: JONAS, Ludwig Carl / JUSE, Laura (F1730)
2500 | Wisconsin Memorial Park | BARAL, Clarence (I1247)
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