Jindra and Chaloupka Families

From Europe to Manitowoc County, WI

Jindra Family
Chaloupka Family
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Matches 251 to 300 of 357

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
251 S90 Minnesota FamilySearch, "Minnesota Marriages, 1849-1950," online index, FamilySearch (www.FamilySearch.org : accessed ), .
252 S88 Minnesota FamilySearch, "Minnesota Marriages, 1860-1849," online index with images, FamilySearch (www.FamilySearch.org : accessed ), .
253 S401 Minnesota FamilySearch, "Minnesota Marriages, 1958-2001," online index, FamilySearch (www.FamilySearch.org : accessed ), .
254 S333 Minnesota FamilySearch.org, "Minnesota County Deaths, 1850-2001," database with images, FamilySearch.org (https://familysearch.org : accessed ), .
255 S57 Minnesota FamilySearch.org, "Minnesota, Births and Christenings, 1840-1980," online database index/images with index, FamilySearch.org (http://www.FamilySearch.org : accessed ), .
256 S252 Minnesota FamilySearch.org, "Minnesota, Births and Christenings, 1935-2002," online database index, FamilySearch.org (http://www.FamilySearch.org : accessed ), .
257 S311 Minnesota FamilySearch.org, "Minnesota, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1990," online database index, FamilySearch (http://www.FamilySearch.org : accessed ), .
258 S246 Minnesota FamilySearch.org, "Minnesota, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1990," online database, FamilySearch.org (https://familysearch.org : accessed ), .
259 S310 Minnesota FamilySearch.org, "Minnesota, Deaths and Burials, 1866-1916," online index database, FamilySearch.org (https://familysearch.org : accessed ), .
260 S91 Minnesota FamilySearch.org, "Minnesota, Deaths and Burials, 1887-2001," online database, FamilySearch.org (https://familysearch.org : accessed ), .
261 S247 Minnesota FamilySearch.org, "Minnesota, Deaths and Burials, 1908-2002," online database index, FamilySearch (http://www.FamilySearch.org : accessed ), .
262 S237 Minnesota Historical Society, "Minnesota People Records Search," database, Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota Historical Society (http://www.mnhs.org: accessed ), .
263 S313 Minnesota Minnesota Historical Society, "Minnesota Birth Certificates Index," online database index, Minnesota Historical Society (http://www.mnhs.org : accessed ), .
264 S49 Minnesota Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota Death Certificates Index, online database (http://people.mnhs.org/dci/search.cfm : accessed ), .
265 S325 Minnesota Official Marriage System, "Minnesota Official Marriage System," database, Minnesota Official Marriage System, Minnesota Official Marriage System (https://moms.mn.gov/: accessed ), .
266 S342 Montana - Rosebud County, "County Death Records 1878-2011,"; Family Search, https://familysearch.org.
267 S201 Montana FamilySearch, "Montana Death Index, 1860-2007," online database index, FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org : accessed ), .
268 S39 Montana FamilySearch, "Montana Marriages Index, 1865-1950," online database index, FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org : accessed ), .
269 S195 Montana FamilySearch, "Montana, Cascade County Records, 1880-2002," online database index, FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org : accessed ), .
270 S190 Montana FamilySearch, "Montana, County Records, 1865-1950," online database index, FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org : accessed ), .
271 S184 Montana FamilySearch, "Montana, Rosebud County Records, 1878-2011," online database index, FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org : accessed ), .
272 S189 Montana FamilySearch, "Montana, Yellowstone County Records, 1881-2011," online database index, FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org : accessed ), .
273 S192 Montana FamilySearch, "Washington County Records, 1855-2008," online database index, FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org : accessed ), .
274 S194 Montana State Historical Society, Helena., "Montana, Military Records, 1904-1918," database, FamilySearch, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org : accessed ).
275 S458 Name: Karen Beth MaasBirth Date: 25 Jan 1968 Birth County: Hennepin Father: Richard Ralph Maas Mother: Marsha Jean Supita File Number: 1968-MN-048004 .
276 S154 Nash G. V., An illustrated historical atlas of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin (N.p.: Nash, G. V., 1878); digital copy online, The State of Wisconsin Collection (http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu : accessed ).
277 S123 National Archives and Records Administration, "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards," online database images and index, FamilySearch, FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org : accessed ).
278 S200 National Archives and Records Administration, "United States World War II Draft Registration Cards," online database images and index, FamilySearch, FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org : accessed ).
279 S445 Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut (Germany), Beerdigungen, Register Beerdigunge from Jan. 1, 1844-Dec. 31, 1855, , ; , , https://data.matricula-online.eu/.
280 S444 Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut (Germany), Taufen from January 1, 1681-December 31, 1743, , ; , , https://data.matricula-online.eu/.
281 S451 Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut (Germany), Trauungen, Date from Jan. 1, 1681-Dec. 31, 1804, , ; , , https://data.matricula-online.eu/.
282 S380 Obituare, Obituare (https://www.obituare.com : accessed ), .
283 S398 Official 1950 US Census Site, "1950 Federal Census," online index and images, US Government, Official 1950 US Census Site (https://1950census.archives.gov/ : accessed ), .
284 S303 Ohde Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Ohde Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Ohde Funeral Home and Cremation Services (https://ohdefuneralhome.com : accessed ), .
285 S134 Personal knowledge of the author, Bill and Elaine Chaloupka, , Mishicot, Wisconsin.
286 S338 Personal knowledge of the author, Greg Jonas, , Rockford, Illinois.
287 S174 Personal knowledge of the author, Lillian Radey, deceased.
288 S217 Personal knowledge of the author, Lucy Gauthier Cole, .
289 S125 Pfeffer Funeral Home, Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Pfeffer Funeral Home (www.pfefferfuenralhome.com : accessed ), .
290 S414 Photo of , database online, Ancestry.com (https://ancestry.com : accessed ), [Instructions].
291 S413 Photo of , database online, Familysearch.org (https://www.familysearch.org : accessed ), [Instructions].
292 S155 Photo of , digital image, FamilySearch.org (http://www.FamilySearch.org : accessed ), [Instructions].
293 S402 Ritchay Funeral Home, Ritchay Funeral Home (https://www.ritchayfuneralhome.com : accessed ), .
294 S419 Rohr Family History
295 S404 Roland Funeral Service, Roland Funeral Service (https://rolandfuneralservice : accessed ), .
296 S118 Roman Catholic Church, "Digital Archives of Porta fontium - Plzen," paris registers collection of south bohemia; domazlice, Digital Archives of Porta fontium - Plzen (http://www.portafontium.eu : accessed ), .
297 S117 Roman Catholic Church, "Digital Archives of Porta fontium - Plzen," paris registers collection of south bohemia; kydne, domazlice, Digital Archives of Porta fontium - Plzen (http://www.portafontium.eu : accessed ), .
298 S114 Roman Catholic Church, "Digital Archives of Porta fontium - Plzen," paris registers collection of south bohemia; milavce, domazlice, Digital Archives of Porta fontium - Plzen (http://www.portafontium.eu : accessed ), .
299 S219 Roman Catholic Church, "Digital Archives of SRA Trebon," paris registers collection of české budějovice, Digital Archives of SRA Trebon (https://digi.ceskearchivy.cz/ : accessed ), .
300 S159 San Francisco, California, Marriage, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States, San Francisco Public Library, California, , , ; digital database with images, FamilySearch, Familysearch (Familysearch.org : accessed ).

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