Name |
RADEY, Adolph Emil |
Holding Man For Observation After Suicide Attempt
Adolph Radey, 1335 Herman court, is being held for observation at the police station following an attempt to commit suicide this morning by swallowing the contents of a small bottle of cleaning ether.
Radey, according to information gathered by police, went to the John Zelko saloon,. N. Twelfth street and Michigan, at 10 a.m. Mrs. Zelko w as in charge of the place. Radey asked her for a glass, and when she gave it to him, he walked into a side room, poured the contents of the bottle into it and drank it.
Walking back into the saloon proper, the man fell on the floor in an unconscious condition.
Mrs. Zelko called the police department, and the city ambulance was sent after him. A physician was called to attend him, and it was announced that while the ether would make Radey sick and cause a burning sensation in the stomach, it was not of the poisonous kind and would not result in death to the one who took it.
Radey is married and has a small child.
Letters which Radey wrote before taking the ether indicated he is mentally unbalanced, and for that reason, he will be held for observation, and, if no improvement is seen, he will be examined for his sanity.
Wednesday Feb. 1, pg. 13 Serious Condition
The condition of Adolph Radey, who took ether in a suicide attempt Tuesday, and he was taken to St. Nicholas hospital for attention.
Birth |
24 Oct 1902 |
Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Accident |
Aug 1927 |
Sheboygan Press Tues. Aug. 2, 1927
Adolph Radey appeared in municipal court this morning with a bandage over one badly bruised eye. Edward Otten, a six-footer, was fined $10 and costs, of $16.13, for having been responsible for the disfiguration.
According to Radey, Otten dumped off his bicycle Sunday afternoon and after a little preliminary ceremony, during which he said Otten accused him of having used abusive language, the latter landed several blows, one of which struck over the eye. Otten did not deny having struck the blow, but tried to show that he was provoked into making the assault. Municipal Judge Meyer defined the law in such manner before imposing the fine.
Accident |
Nov 1927 |
Sheboygan Press Mon Nov. 7, 1927
Road Crash Results in Bad Injury Men Who Stopped to Help Motorists are Hit by Auto
Irony of Fate Has Part in Accident
Adolph Radey has Fractured Collar Bone and Shoulder, Bad Cuts and Bruises and C. J. Stieber is Suffering With Many Gashes and Body Bruises as Result of Stopping to Help Motorists.
Struck by a car drive by R. D. Rowlands of Racine when they climbed out of their own car in order to go to the assistance of another motorists who had crashed into the ditch along Federal Highway 141 twelve miles south of Sheboygan Saturday evening, Adolph Radey and C.J. Stieber sustain ed injuries which will keep them confined to St. Nicholas hospital for an indefinite period.
Badly Hurt
Radey, whose home is at 1335 Herman court, is suffering with a fractured collar bone, fractured shoulder blade, bruised hip, gashes on his head, and many body bruises. Stieber, who formerly resided on Route 3, Manitowoc, and who plans to make his home in Milwaukee, is suffering with severe g ashes on his head, body bruises, a badly injured left eye, bruised hip, and possibly with internal injuries. He was unconscious when brought to t he hospital shortly after the accident.
The irony of fate played the villain in this accident. Mr. Stieber holds a reputation of being a careful driver and up to the present time had been in an auto accident. He was returning from Milwaukee with Ado ph Radey in a Ford roadster, and both were expecting to reach Sheboygan in time for the evening meal when they noticed two wrecked cars, one on the east side of the highway and the other on the west side and approximately 100 feet north of the first car.
Several other cars had been stopped along the highway so that the occupants could learn what damage had resulted from this accident. According to information given to Sheriff Paul Schmidt and Under-Sheriff Theodore Dickrell, the first accident resulted from a crash between a Cole touring car driven by Karl Strassburger, Sheboygan, and an Overland sedan driven by Gerhardt Janssen, a carpenter from Beaver Dam. Janssen's machine had stalled on the highway, according to the officers.
Struck By Auto
When Stieber and Radey came along, they drove a short distance beyond t he scene of the accident, climbed out of their car and started to walk over to the Cole touring car which had overturned. Just as they stepped on to the pavement, they were struck by a Kissel sedan driven by R.D. Rowland s, the Racine man. Rowlands, who was bound for Sheboygan, had turned to t he west side of the highway in order to pass a car parked on the east side . (continued on page 7)
The car which was parked on the highway prevented Sietber(sic) and Radey from seeing the Kissel car coming toward them and prevented Mr. Rowlands from seeing the two until he was almost upon them and could not avoid crashing into them. The name of the person who parked his car on the highway is unknown to the officers.
Mr. Rowlands had swung his car to one side in an attempt to avoid hitting the two men and in doing so the right side of his car struck the man. He stopped and assisted in bringing the injured men to the hospital.
Visited Here
In the car with Mr. Rowlands were Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Piper, Lake? Drive, Racine. They had planned to visit in Sheboygan over the weekend. M r. Rowlands visited Radey and Stieber at the hospital Sunday.
County traffic officers said today that Jansesen had considerable trouble with his car Saturday evening. The officers said Janssen's car stall ed for a second time and that they told him to get off the highway as quickly as possible.
Although the Cole car driven by Mr. Strassburger was badly damaged on one side, the driver escaped injury.
The Sheboygan Press Tues. Jan 31, 1928 pg. 11
Misc |
Jul 1934 |
The Sheboygan Press Monday July 17, 1933 pg 4
The Morning After
Adolph Radey, 1335 Mehrtens avenue, was fined $5 and costs in municipal court today for drunk and disorderly.
Death |
19 Aug 1968 |
Sheboygan, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States [1] |
Address: St. Nicholas Hospital |
Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) > 1968 > August > 20 Adolph E. Radey Adolph E. Radey, 65, of 2638 Erie Ave., died Monday evening at St. Nicholas Hospital following a lengthy illness.
Born in Kellnersville on Oct. 24, 1902, a son of the late Math and Elizabeth Stieber Radey, he moved with his family to Sheboygan in 1914.
Mr. Radey was an employee of Vollrath Co., for 39 years before retiring in October, 1967. Survivors include his wife, Mary; a daughter Mrs. Phillip (Mary Ann) Backus of Bethel, Ohio; one son, Ralph of Sheboygan; seven grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Alvina Glysch and Mrs Lillian Streich, both of Manitowoc.
Funeral Services will be held at 1:30 pm Thursday at the Nickel's Funeral Home, the Rev. Vernon Jaberg, pastor of St. John's United Church of Christ officiating. Burial will be in Wildwood Cemetery.
Friends may call at the Nickels Funeral Home after 4 pm Wednesday.
Burial |
Sheboygan, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States [1] |
Address: Wildwood Cemetery |
Adolph and Mary Radey Tombstone Adolph and Mary Radey Tombstone |
Person ID |
I1170 |
Jindra and Chaloupka Family Trees |
Last Modified |
2 Sep 2023 |
Family 1 |
STIEBER, Theresa, b. 23 Jun 1906 d. Nov 1983 (Age 77 years) |
Marriage |
27 Nov 1923 |
Sheboygan, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States [2] |
Address: St. Peter Claver Church |
- Marriage Licenses Sheboygan Press Telegram Saturday, Wednesday November 14, 1923 Applications for marriage licenses were made in the office of the county clerk yesterday by the following:
Adolph Radey 1335 Herman court, and Miss Theresa Stieber, 1206 Alabama avenue.
Weddings Sheboygan Press Telegram Saturday, December 1, 1923 Stieber-Radey Miss Theresa Stieber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Stieber, 1206 Alabama avenue, and Ralph(should be Adolph) Radey, son of Mrs. Radey, 1335 Her man court, were united in marriage on Thanksgiving Day in St. Peter Claver church. Joseph Feustel played Lohengrins' wedding march as the process ion entered the church. Miss Stieber wore a dress of canton crepe trimmed with Spanish lace and carried a shower bouquet of roses and sweet peas. She was attended by Miss Rose Kuhnert and Miss Clara Stieber. Miss Kuhnert wore coral canton crepe and Miss Stieber green canton crepe. Both bridesmaids carried carnations and sweet peas. The groom was attended by Joe Stieber and N. Scheffer. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents after the ceremony. Decorations were in pink and white. Mr. and Mrs. Radey have gone on a short honeymoon trip and upon their ret urn will be at home to their friends at 1335 Herman court.
Divorce |
Jan 1940 |
Sheboygan, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States |
Children |
+ | 1. RADEY, Ralph Joesph Sr., b. 13 Aug 1925, Sheboygan, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States d. 12 Feb 1998, Sheboygan, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States (Age 72 years) |
Family ID |
F428 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Mar 2025 |