Death Follows Cold Contracted While Visiting Relatives In Wisconsin
People of McHenry and surrounding territory lost an able physician and a highly respected citizen last
Wednesday in the death of Dr. Arnold E. Mueller, who died shortly after midnight on December 30 at the
Foeste hotel at Sheboygan, Wis., his demise following an illness of about a week and being due to an attack of scarlet fever and pneumonia.
The official report of his death, which was received here on Thursday, December 31, came as a great shock to McHenry people, it having been only a week before that he and his wife had left this city for
a short visit with relatives at Manitowoc, Wis., the doctor at that time seeming to be in the best of health.
Mrs. Mueller describes the incidents prior to her husband's death as follows:
"We (my husband and I) left McHenry, at about six o'clock Christmas eve, it having been impossible to get
an earlier start as the doctor had been very busy all afternoon. We reached Manitowoc in good time and visited there until Christmas night, when we started home. But it was terribly cold and we were not prepared for the change in temperature so we decided to return to our relatives and spend the night with them.
"The next morning we made an early start, but we hadn't gone far when the car broke down and we had
to be towed to Newton. By the time the car was in working order again we were quite rested and started out in hopes of soon reaching McHenry. But the drifts were terrible and it was so cold riding. Several , times my husband got out of the car to shovel away the snow and I told him I was afraid that the cold which he had contracted would grow worse. So at last we stopped in front of a farm house and the people there told us that the roads beyond were impassable. So we agreed to return to Sheboygan and take the train from there to McHenry.
"When we reached the Foeste hotel Dr. Mueller went right to bed. In the morning he felt much worse, but
the physician whom we called in said he would be all right in a few days and that there was nothing to worry about. I never suspected the truth though now I think that my husband knew from the first.
"His condition became worse every day, so bad that we thought it unwise to move him from the hotel, and at last the attending physician recommended that - we get a nurse. We tried, but everyone was busy and it wasn't until Wednesday that one could arrange to come.
"At seven o'clock Wednesday evening he was delirious and the doctor came in five times during the evening. I was with him all the time for I couldn't sleep. At about midnight he began to breathe heavily and I was frightened. Then suddenly he stopped breathing and I knew he was dead. But I was so glad we were alone together at the last."
The funeral was held Friday, Jan. 1, from the home of Mrs. Mary Handl mother of Mrs. Mueller, at Sheboygan. Arrangements had been made to hold the services Saturday but the date was advanced one day on the order of the authorities of that place because the death had been due to a contagious disease.
The services were in charge of the Masonic lodge and the American Legion and were very well attended. The American Legion furnished a color guard and firing squad and paid the usual military honors to the dead.
Arnold F. Mueller was born: at Manitowoc, Wis., December 11, 1886, and at the time of his death had just
passed his thirty-ninth birthday. He was a graduate of the old West Side high school in Manitowoc and of the Marquette University Medical school, locating in McHenry after his graduation and establishing a large practice in this city during his seventeen years residence here.
He was a well known and respected man and was especially familiar in his capacity of physician as a friend of the poor, many of the people here being able to give proof of his generosity.
Less than. a year ago, April 11 1925, he returned to his old hometown. to claim Miss Viola Handl as
his bride, the marriage being celebrated-in Chicago.
During the World war Dr. Mueller served two years at Columbia, S. C. He was a member of the American,
Legion, the Masons, Kiwanis and Modern Woodman.
Those from McHenry who attended the funeral services were: Jacob Justen, Albert Justen, William Schaefer, Emil Geier and Miss Caroline Miller.The McHenry Plaindealer
Thu, Jan 07, 1926 ·Page 1
Holiday Visit Brings Death to Dr. Mueller
Former Local Man is Stricken at Sheboygan on Return Trip
Dr. Arnold F. Mueller, former local man, died at the Hotel Foest at Sheboygan at midnight last night, his demise following an illness of one week and being due to an attack of pneumonia which followed a cold contracted while here for a Christmas visit at the home of relatives. The body will be brought to this city and the funeral will be held Saturday afternoon from the home of Mrs. Mary Handel, 914 South Thirteenth street and will be in charge of the local Masonic
lodge. Burial will be at Evergreen.
Graduate of Marquette
Born in this city December 11, 1886, Dr. Mueller had just passed his thirty-ninth birthday. He was a graduate of the old West Side High School and of the Marquette University medical school, locating at McHenry, Ill., after his graduation and had established a large practice in that city.
Less than a year ago, April 11, 1925, he returned to his old home town to claim Miss Viola Handl, daughter of Mrs. Mary Handl for his bride and it was while here with her for a visit that he was taken ill. The trip was made by motor and heavy snows were encountered. The couple arrived before Christmas and started on the return trip last Saturday but were again caught in the drifts. Taken ill at Sheboygan Dr. Mueller was removed to the hotel where his condition became such it was considered unwise to move him and death followed last night.
Was Ex-Service Man
Surviving Dr. Mueller are the widow and one sister, Mrs. Alma Lord who now makes her home at Los Angeles, California. During the world war Dr. Mueller served for two years at Columbia, South Carolina.
He was a member of the American Legion, the Masons, Kiwanis and Modern Woodmen.
Dr. Mueller was a son of the late Fred Mueller, former register of deeds of Manitowoc county.
Manitowoc Herald News, December 31, 1925 P.2