- Adolph Skwor,
Bessemer Pioneer
Adolph F. Skwor 84, prominent in the business life of this community until his retirement 18 years ago, died at 10:45 p. m. last Friday at his home at 207 Iron street. Mr. Skwor had been in failing health for the past few years.
A native of Maribel, Wis., where he was born on November 5, 1868, Mr. Skwor came to this city with the early settlers in 1888 to make his home. He was employed in a general store operated by Frank Kulasavicz, and later entered into a partnership with the latter. Mr. Skwor and Mr. Knlasavicz operated the store on the north side. Mr. Skwor retired in 1934 to complete a business career of 48 years.
Two years ago the Bessemer Chamber of Commerce honored him along with other pioneer merchants at a testimonial banquet for.
his contribution to the business development and general welfare of the community.
He had been a native member of the St. Sebastian's church; and was a member of the Bohemian Northwestern lodge.
He was married on October 31, 1892, to Miss Anna Terch, at Medford, Wis. She survives him together with one son, Raymond of
Bessemer; seven grandchildren; and nine great grandchildren; & sister, Mrs. Emma Libal, Green Bay, Wis., two brothera, Dr. Charles Skwer, of Michicot, and John Skwor of Marlbel, Wis.
A son, Louis, & veteran of World War One, died in 1919; and one daughter, Mrs. Lucy Johnson, died about 25 years ago.
Services were solemnized at a requiem High Mass at St. Sobastian Church with the. Rev. Milton:Vanitvelt: officlating. Interment was muade in Hillcrest cemetery.
Serving as palibearers were Raymond Halama, Frank Duda, George Mazanec, Frank Blaha, Leonard Kulasavicz and Anton
Out of town relatives here for the funeral were Mrs. Emma Libal, Howard Libal and son, Donald, Winford Libal, Mrs. Clayton Martins and Chester Libal, Green Bay, Wis.; Mrs. Theodore Skwor, Dr. Charles Skwor, and Hugo Skwor, Maribel, Wis; Peter Terch and Mr. and Mrs. John Prince, Virginia, Minn .; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson; Mrs. Joseph Raders, Kenosha; Eugene Johnson, Manistique, and Mrs. Reginald Champion, Ironwood.
The Bessemer Herald
Thu, Dec 18, 1952 ·Page 1