- Wenzel Zima, 67, Loses Life in Manitowoc
Fatal Accident Near His Home on South Side
MANITOWOC - Wenzel Zima 67, struck down as he apparently
was crossing the street to his parked automobile. died at Holy
Family Hospital shortly after 8 p.m. Wednesday of injuries received in the accident.
CIty police said Zima, a retired carpenter-contractor who resided at 1608-A Marshall St.. was crossing the street i the middle of the block near his home when he ws struck by a 1959 model automobile driven by Donald Bouril, 31, of Francis Creek. The accident occurred about 4:50 p.m. when drakness had already fallen
Bouril told investigating officers that he was westbound on Marshall at a speed of between 20 and 25 miles an hour when he noticed a dark object in the street. He applied the brakes immediately but was not able to avoid striking Zima Bouril said it was "very dark" at the time and that Zima was wearing dark clothing.
When examined at the scene, Zima had the keys to his car still
clenched in his hand. The auto was parked near the house on the north side of the street, police said.
Fourt of Year
Coroner Đr Theodore Teitgen attributed Zima's death to internal hemorrhaging. He suffered a e broken pelvis and right ankle. Dr. Teitgen indicated there would be an inquest into the death.
Bouril, a salesman for the Erd man Motor Co., was on his way
to visit a new car prospect on he south side. He was driving a
company automobile.
Zima's death was the fourth traffic fatality in the City of Manitowoc so far this year and gave the county an overall toll of 23, two more than the 1957 figure Previous city victims were Klaus E: Larson, 60, Great Lakes seaman, killed by a car while crossing the street on the night of March 2: Mrs. Esther, Westover, 36, of 1109 Park Row Blvd., whose vehicle crashed into a tree May 30, and Patricia Ann Wells, 6, of 1521 Grand Ave., who was run down by a car near her home July 11.
Retired In 1958
Zima was born at Stangelville April 11, 1890, son of the late
Charles and Anna Rebitz Zima He attended schools at, Stangelville and Sept. 20, 1915, married Viola Nocker at Mishicot. The couple established residence at Manitowoc.
He had been a carpenter-conractor for many years at Man-
towoc and had been working with a brother, Matt. He retired from active occupation in 1952.. Zima was a member of the Holy Name Society of St. Boniface Church.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Donald, of Algoma, a daughter,
Mrs. Charles Sindelar, of the city, two sisters, Mrs. Emil Buresh, of Milwaukee, a twin, and Mrs. Albert Dufek Sr., of Denmark: a brother, Matt, of the city; and eight grandchildren.
Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Urbanek and
Schlei Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at St. Boniface Catholic
Church. The Rev. Alfred Pritzl will officiate and burial will be in
Calvary Cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Friday where
the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. by the Holy Name Society.
- Inquest Scheduled Thursday Morning
Manitowoc-An inquest into the traffic death of Wenzel Zima, 67, of 1608 A Marshall St., will be at 9 a.m. Thursday in the County Courthouse with Coroner Dr. Theodore Teitgen presiding.
Zima, a retired, carpenter-contractor, was fatally injured while crossing the street near his home late on the afternoon of Dec. 3.
Dirver of the car involved was Donald Bouril, 31, of Francis Creek, an automobile salesman.
Zima was the fourth person to be killed on city streets during 1958.
Two Rivers Reporter
Wed, Jan 14, 1959 ·Page 12