- Brief Illness Claims County Pioneer
Death today claimed one of the pioneer and well-known residents of Manitowoc and Manitowoc county when Mrs. Charles Friedl, 81, 1413 South Tenth street, died after an illness of only a few days' duration. Her death was due to complications attendant upon advancing age. For many years, Mrs. Friedl, nee Grall, was a resident of this city and lived in the home in which she died for 52 years.
Born in Germany on Dec. 2, 1850, Mrs. Friedl came to the United States when five years of age and the family immediately took up its residence in Manitowoc county. She was married to Charles Friedl on Sept. 28, 1873, her husband preceding her in death 18 years ago.
Mrs. Friedl was active until the time of her death and was about as usual until Sunday when she complained of a cold but her condition was not regarded as being particularly serious until early this week. Only recently she was the honored guest at a family celebration arranged in commemoration of her 81st birthday anniversary and personally greeted her many children and other close relatives.
Besides the daughter, Mrs. Theresa Herrmann with whom she made her home, Mrs. Friedl is survived by three other daughters, Mrs. John E. Reindl, Chicago, and Mrs. Sophie Butler and Mrs. Odon J. Wilda, Manitowoc; six sons, Charles, John, William, Frank and Edwin of Manitowoc and George of Kenosha; two brothers, Jsoeph Grall, Marshfield and John Grall, California; two sisters, Mrs. John Leitermann, Duck Creek, and Mrs. Peter Chadek, Green Bay; 12 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Burial Saturday Although her primary interest was in her home, Mrs. Friedl was active in church affairs and was a member of the St. Theresa and St. Ann Societies of the St. Boniface church. Funeral services will be held from the home at 1413 South Tenth street at 9:30 o'clock and from the St. Boniface church at 10 o'clock Saturday morning with Msg. Willliam Peil officiating. Interment will take place at Calvary cemetery. The remains are to be removed to the home from Pfeffer funeral home tomorrow noon.
Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. March 2, 1932 P. 2Inscription