- Alderman Grall is Dead at 53
Rites on Wednesday for City Official
Ray L. (Shorty) Grall, alderman of Marshfield's Second Ward since 1959, died at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in St. Joseph's Hospital. He was 53 years old.
The alderman had suffered a severe stroke March 3 and never regained consciousness.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday in St. John's Catholic Curch, with the Rt. Rev. Msgr. A.N. Schuh officiating. Interment will take place in Gate of Heaven cemetery.
Friends may pay their respects at the Rembs Funeral Home beginning this evening. A Knights of Columbus rosary will be recited at 7:30 o'clock tonight, followed by an Elks' Lodge of Sorrow at 8 o'clock. An Altar Society rosary is planned for 3:15 p.m. Tuesday and a general rosary service will be held at 8:15 o'clock Tuesday night.
Mr. Grall was born in Marshfield March 28,1911. He graduated from McKinley High School in 1929 and later attended St. Mary's College in Winona.
He married Esther Graves of Spencer here June 6, 1934. He had been employed at the Hotel Charles for 12 years and was a salesman for the Adler Baking Co. for 17 years before becoming the operator of his own meat and seafoud route five years ago.
The alderman was elected to his first term on the Common Council in April 1959, and was reelected in 1961 and 1963. His colleagues on the Common Council will elect a successor for the year remaining of his third term.
AT the time of his death he was chairman of the Judiciary, License and Cemetery committee and held membership on the Legislative Committee, the Recreation Committee and the Parking Commission. He was a former member of the Board of Health.
He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Elks, the United Commercial Travelers and the HOly Name Society.
Survivors include his wife, four sons, Harley, Dallas, Texas; Richard, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Mike, Wausau, and James, Marshfield; a daughter, Margaret, Marshfield; three sisters, Mrs. Harry Pfaff and Mrs. WIlliam Schafer, Fond du Lac, and MissIsabelle Grall, Los Angeles, Calif.' a brother, John, Los Angeles, and seven grandchildren.
Marshfield News-Herald
Mon, Mar 30, 1964 ·Page 1 and Page 6
Services Held for Ray Grall
Rites conducted at St. John's Church
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at St. John's Catholic Church for Ray Grall, who died SUnday. THe REv. David Giles officiated. Committal services were conducted by the Rev. Jerome Kisling.
Pallbearers were Dennis Jirschele, Russell Knapp, Sylvester Adler, Arnold Pritzl, Cyril marx and Richard Knauf.
Attending the services from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grall and family, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Mrs. Anna Pfaff, Mrs. Mayne Schafer, Brian Felda, Connie Felda, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Felda, Fond du Lac; Mr and Mrs. Harley Graves, Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kreidler, Oconomowoc; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neuman, Milwaukee; Mrs. Earl Belanger, Edward Belaner and Mary Belanger, International Falls, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sperry, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Otto, AThens; Carroll Graves, Ladysmith; Mrs. Harold Manz, Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs Joseph Sietz, Racine; Mr and Mrs. Al Burkhardt, Sheboygan; Bert Baldwin, Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Baldwin, Ladysmith; Patrick Neuman, Elgin, Ill.' Peter Newman, Milwaukee; and many other relatives and friends form Mashfield and surrounding areas. Also attending as a group were city officials and city employes.
Marshfield News-Herald
Thu, Apr 02, 1964 ·Page 6