- Frank Hoffman, 86, Dies at Oshkosh
Frank Hoffman, long associated with the civic, commercial, social and moral welfare of his adopted community, died shortly after the noon hour Friday. Mr. Hoffman, 86, had been at Alexian Brothers Nursing Home, Oshkosh. Death came after an extended illness.
The Hoffman residence is at 843 Lincoln Blvd. Until about three years ago, Mr. Hoffman had been president of Lindstedt Hoffman Co., insurance and real estate agency, of 1210 Washington St. From the time Mr. Hoffman came to Manitowoc before the turn of the century where Nov. 25, 1903, he married Amanda Christiansen, he had given unstintingly
of his time, money and personal service to the betterment of the city. So outstanding was his effort that Nov. 6, 1951, he was recognized by the Lions Club and presented with its Distinguished Service Award.
Born in 1875
He was lauded by Atty. Austin Smith, chairman of the committee making the investigation, as an individual who "has promoted the principles of good government and good citizenship. He is a man who has born in mind his obligations as a citizen to the nation, to the state and the community and who has given freely of his time, labor, means and loyalty to those ends."
The native of the Town of Centerville, Manitowoc County, was born Feb. 12, 1875, son of the late Peter and Elizabeth Schill Hoffman. He received his early education in a parochial school and was graduated from the First Ward High School of this city.
Subsequently he entered the University of Wisconsin, being graduated with a B.A. degree in 1900. In July of that year he became associated with Julius Lindstedt and two years later was admitted as a junior partner in the insurance firm. When Lindstedt retired in 1924, Mr. Hoffman became sole owner.
Various Capacities
Throughout the years, Mr. Hoffman served in various capacities to promote real estate and insurance and was elected president of Wisconsin Association of Insurance Agents and was a director of Wisconsin Association of Real Estate Boards. He was a member of National Association of Real Estate Boards and was instrumental in the organization of a local real estate board and headed it as president.
In addition to serving six years on the library board prior to 1925, Mr. Hoffman was also a director of Hotel Manitowoc as well as a director of Holy Family Hospital.
Promotion of industry in his community was a strong point which Mr. Hoffman never overlooked and he was instrumental in raising funds for the purchase of sites for plants of Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co. now Mirro Aluminum Co., and Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry. It was also largely through his efforts that Invincible Metal Furniture Co. was attracted to the city. The activities were carried out under the Manitowoc Citizens Assn., organized in 1912 and which Mr. Hoffman helped
found and serve as president.
During World War I the insurance-real estate agency was named by Emergency Fleet Corp., a federal agency, to act as agents for the 100 homes constructed to provide accommodations for workers at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc. in Riverview Park Addition. Later the local agency purchased the site and buildings and made them available to residents.
Highest Honor
His service in cause of youth was legend. From the time the Waumegeasako Council, Boy Scouts of America was founded in November of 1919, Mr. Hoffman, as a charter member, served the council. He was president two terms, 1940 and 1941, and had
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Been on the executive board at the time of his death.
Over the years he was chairman of the court of honor committee and the finance committee. He served also on the nominating, constitution and by-laws, insurance and senior scouting committees.
In 1395, he was presented with scouting's highest honor—the Silver Beaver. The honor was bestowed at the 15th anniversary observance of the council at the Elks Club. His official tenure in council scouting was the longest in the history of the council.
Mr. Hoffman was a co-chairman of the Community Fund Drive in the days before the Untied Fund was organized, in 1937. He also served as chairman of the Green Bay Catholic Diocese St. Norbert College Fund drive in 1940.
Presented With Pin
A Democrat Party member, Mr. Hoffman served on the finance committee for Wisconsin Democrats 1933 and was appointed local chairman of the National Council of Roosevelt Electors in 1936.
He was featured in a publication of Wisconsin Association of Insurance Agents in 1953 and his accomplishments in that field.
A member of the Knights of Columbus Council No. 710 and the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, Mr. Hoffman was presented with a special Fourth Degree pin at a ceremony early in January of 1949. He was the oldest past faithful navigator of the order, having served from 1910-15.
Other memberships and affiliations included Manitowoc Elks Lodge No. 687, Holy Name Society of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Manitowoc County Chapter, Izaak Walton League, Catholic Order of Foresters, Catholic Knights of Wisconsin and Manitowoc Rotary Club. He was the last charter member of the latter club. Mr. Hoffman had been a trustee of the Elks lodge.
An avid sportsman and conservationist, for years Mr. Hoffman enjoyed, until his health began to fail, summer months at his cottage on Black Oak Lake in the north. He liked to fish and hunt birds.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Theodore and Frank Jr., associated with the business, and a daughter, Mrs. Harvey Stangel, of the city. Two brothers, John, of Sheboygan and Norbert, of Milwaukee, a sister, Miss Clara Hoffman, of Milwaukee and nine grandchildren also survive.
Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m. Monday at Urbanek and Schlei Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. The Rev. Claude LeClair will officiate and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. by Holy Name Society and Knights of Columbus.
Memorials in the memory of Mr. Hoffman may be made to Waumegesako Boy Scout Council or Holy Family Hospital.
Manitowoc Herald Times, April 15, 1961 pp. 1, 9
[d. 04-14-1961 at Oshkosh WI/age 86 yrs.]