Mrs. Edmund Grall, 38, of 711 S. 24th St., Manitowoc, died Wednesday morning at Holy Family Hospital, Manitowoc, where she had been a patient five days. Funeral services will be at 9 am Friday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc and at 9:30 am at St. Paul Catholic Church. Officiating at the solemn requiem high Mass will be a cousin, the Rev. Harold Leibl, as celebrant, the Rev. Clement P. Kern as deacon and the Rev. Richard Hymen as sub-deacon. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
The former Carolyn Andres was born at Manitowoc March 16, 1922, daughter of the late August Andres and Mrs. Caroline Kohlbeck Andres. She was married Feb. 23, 1943 to Edmund Grall. Mrs. Grall attended St. Paul Parochial School and was graduated from Lincoln High School in 1939. The past 12 years she was employed as bookkeeper for J.O. Johnson Electric and Radio Shop. She was a member of Daughters of Isabella.
Surviving are her husband, mother, three sisters, Mrs. William Theisen of Branch, Mrs. Helen McLaughlin of Los Angeles and Mrs. Jack Schultz of Antigo and several nieces and nephews.
Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 pm Thursday where the Rosary will be recited by the parish at 7:30 pm and by Daughters of Isabella at 8 pm.
Manitowoc Herald Times - Wed., Nov. 23, 1960 - page T7
Funeral services for Mrs. Edmund Grall, 36, of 7115 24th St., Manitowoc, who died Wednesday, were at 9:30 am Friday at Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc and at 10 am at St. Paul Catholic Church, Manitowoc, with the Rev. Harold Liebl officiating. He was assisted by Revs. Clement Kern and Richard Heymen. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery, Manitowoc.
Pallbearers were Elmer Roseland, Frank Duckon, Robert Grall, Robert Theisen, Robert Dornaus and LaVerne Nonnemacher. Honorary pallbearers, members of the Daughters of Isabella, were Mesdames Wencil Kolar, Louis Wollersheim, William Pollen, Joseph Mitchell, Richared Simmel and Lester Graebel and the Misses Delores Bourassa and Beatrice Lalensack.
Manitowoc Herald times - Friday, Nov. 25, 1960 page 9