- Charles Helenbolt
Charles Walter Helenbolt, son of Lyman and Rose Helenbolt was born Dec. 6, 1912 at Tivis, S. D. and died at the Gordon hospital Saturday evening, Jan. 24, 1959 at the age of 46 years, one month and 18 days.
He sufffered a heart attack on the evening of Jan. 24 on his way home from work on highway 27, south of Gordon, where he was employed by the Missouri Valley Construction company.
On May 30, 1945, he was united in marriage to Florence Freitag at Minneapolis, Minn. To this
union were born four children, Jerry James, 13; Barbara Ann, 10; Karen Kay, 8 and William Warren, 7.
He received his education. in the Fairfax, S. D. school. Baptized and brought up in the faith of the Union Congregational church at Fairfax, he later was confirmed in the Lutheran church of Minnesota. He spent most of his adult life working on ranches in South Dakota and Nebraska.
Preceding him in death were his father and a brother, Wayne. Survivors include his widow. Florence; four children; his mo-her, Mrs. Rose Helenbolt of Fairfax, S. D .; three brothers, Harry, Vetal, S. D., M/Sgt. Max Helenbolt Greenville, Mim. and Glen of Falrfax; two nisters, Mary Geneva Paradee, New Lon- don, Minn. and Mrs. Neil Moffitt, Martin, S. D .; a number of nieces and nephews and many friends.
Funeral services were held at 9:30 a. m., Tuesday, Jan. 27 in the Clinton Methodist church, the Rev. Wilbert Helberg officiating Burial was at Fairfax, S. D. on Wednesday. Casket bearers were Tom Scott Willard Hess jr., Sam Benson Wayne Piper; Clyde Weber, Merriman and Alvin Brown, Mar tin, S. D.
The Gordon Journal
Wed, Jan 28, 1959 ·Page 7