- Sidney Mott of Larrabee Dies After Accident
Hemorrhaging from a severely crushed chest which he received when he crashed his car into a tree on Washington street about ?:30 Sunday morning Sidney Mott, 20-year-old Larrabee man, he died eight hours later in Holy Family hospital.
The death, into which Coroner Theoore Teitgen said no inquest will be held, brings to an even dozen the number of persons to die as a result of traffic accidents in Manitowoc county this year.
According to the recors of city police and information given coroner Teitgen, Mott, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mott, who reside on a farm a short distance from Larrabee, had attended a dance there Saturday evening. Accompanied by a frien Emil Rezba, 38, also of Larrabee, the pair left the dance about 10 pm with Mott driving the car. They headed ? wedding dance at Manitowoc Rapids.
Left Dance at 2 am
Rezba told the coroner an police that they left the Rapids dance shortly after 2 o'clock Sunday morning and headed for Manitowoc. Mott according to Rezba's statement, had been drinking beer during the evening.
Driving down Washington street, with Mott at the wheel, the car veered to the north side of the street just as they passed the 22nd street intersection, jumping the curb an crashed heaon into a tree in front of a house in the 2100 bloc. The force of the impact pushe the motor and dash board back against the men in the front seat. The steering wheel crushed Mott's chest.
Both were taken to Holy Family hospital where Mott died at 10:15 Sunday morning. Dr. Teitgen sai Rezba ha sustained head injuries which are not considered serious.
Funeral Tuesday
Funeral services for Mott, an army veteran of World War II will be held at 2 pm Tuesday at the Specht funeral home in Mishicot and at 2:30 at the Melnik Presbyterian church with the Reverend Varoslav Vrany officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Providing a military escort and participating in the services at the church and cemetery will be members of the Kempen-Staudinger-Terens psot No. 7753 Veterans of Foreign Wars, of Mishicot of which the decease was a memer.
Born in 1928, on his parents farm, a short distance south of Larrabee, the deceased attended public school in the town of Gibson, and prior to the outbreak of the recent war was employed at the Mishicot plant of the Western Condensing company.
He entered the army in November, 1945, serving in this country until receiving his honorable discharge in April 1978. Since that time he ha again been employee in the Mishicot condensary. He was not married.
Six sons in Service.
Surviving in addition to the parents are 10 brothers, George and Willard Jr., of Larrabee Marvin of Reedsville, Russell of Newton, Omar and Milton of Two Rivers, Raymond, Melvin, Eugene an Stanley at home; four sisters, Mrs. Amand Marcell of Manitowoc, Mrs. Early Avery of Two Rivers and Eunice and Carol at home.
five of the brothers, Omar, Milton, Raymond, Melvin and Eugene, also served in the army or Navy during the recent war.
The body may be viewed this evening at the Specht funeral home and until the time of service Tuesday morning.