Jindra and Chaloupka Families

From Europe to Manitowoc County, WI

Jindra Family
Chaloupka Family
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1951 TUMA
Mrs. Anna Tuma, 73, of Mishlcot route 1, died Monday evening at the Holy Family hospital after an illness of several weeks.

Funeral services will be held Friday, at 9:30 from the Specht funeral home in Mishicot and followed by burial services from Holy Cross Catholic church in Mishicot at 10 am Because of Good Friday the funeral mass will be postponed to Monday at 9 am.

Mrs. Tuma, nee Ann Jindra, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Jindra, was born in the town of Kossuth on April 5, 1870. She was married to Wenzel Tuma on Aug 7 1888. Her husband died several years ago.

Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Rose Dawson, Sebastopol, California, Mrs. Lillian Radey, Manitowoc route 5, an Mrs. Violet Mirkes, Manitowoc route 2, fve sons, Harry, Louis and Arnold of Cutbank, Colorado (should be Montana), Adolph on the homestead an Doolan of Two Rivers route 2, two sisters, Mrs. Andrew Peltier of this city and Mrs. Lena Hartigan, Seattle, Washington; four brothers, George Jindra, Sr., of Mishicot route 1, Wenzel of this city, Frank and John of Two Rivers route 2; 13 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

The body may be viewed at the funeral home from this evening to the time of the funeral. The rosary will be recite Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock.
Manitowoc Herald Times

Mrs. Tuma is Summoned at 73 on Monday

Mishicot Route 1 Resident Dies at Manitowoc Hospital; Funeral Friday

Mrs. Anna Tuma, 73 of Mishicot Route 1, died Monday evening at the Holy Family hospital after an illness of several weeks.

Funeral services will be held Friday, at 9:30 from the Specht funeral home in Mishicot and followed by burial services from Holy Cross Catholic church in MIshicot at 10 a.m. Because of Good Friday the funeral mass will be postponed to Monday at 9 a.m.

Mrs. Tuma, nee Ann Jindra, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Jindra, was born in the town of Kossuth on April 5, 1870. She was married to Wenzel Tuma on August 7, 1888. Her husband died several years ago.

Leaves 8 Children
Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Rose Dawson, Sabastopol (sic) California, Mrs. Lillian Radey, Manitowoc route 5, and Mrs. Violet Mirkes, Manitowoc route 2, five sons, Harry, Louis, and Arnold of Cutbank, Colorado (sic should be Montana); Adolph on the homestead and Doolan of Two Rivers route 2; two sisters, Mrs. Andrew Peltier of this city and Mrs. Lena Hartigan of Seattle, Washington; four brothers, George Jindra, Sr., of Mishicot route 1, Wenzel, of this city, Frankd and John of Two Rivers, route 2; 13 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

The body may be viewed at the fuenral home from this eveing to the time of the funeral. The rosary will be recited Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock.
Tue, Apr 20, 1943 ·Page 2 
JINDRA, Anna (I413)
1952 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I1747)
1953 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I1748)
1954 twin to Peter FREISS, Adam (I829)
1955 Two Rivers Woman Killed
Three Hurt in Auto Crash

Mrs. Anna Kelliher Dies Near Kaukauna

Kaukauna - A Two Rivers woman was killed and three other persons were injured, two seriously, in a collision of two automobiles at the intersection of Highways 10 and 55 five miles south of Kaukauna, shortly before 10 a.m. Sunday.

The dead woman is Mrs. Anna Kelliher, 67, 2323 13th St. Two Rivers.

The injured:
Mrs. Flora Kriwanek, 68, 2123 12th St., Two Rivers, serious, internal injuries. Reported in grave condition.

Mrs. Rachel Dohr, 48, 2116 Washington St., Two Rivers, internal injuries, shock, fractured chest wall. Condition fair.

Supervisor Theodore A. (Ted) Dohr, 49, 2116 Washington St., Two Rivers, fractured right wrist.

Mrs. Kelliher lost her life as a result of internal injuries when the automobile driven my Dohr, who with his wife, and Mrs. Kriwanek, also passengers, was struck on the right side by a car drive by Frank Forman, 71, 611 Hennepin Ave., Dixon, Ill., at the intersection of the two state highways.

Killed Outright

Mrs. Kelliher, according to the report, was in the rear seat of the Dohr car, and was killed outright by the impact of the crash. Ambulances rushed the injured of both cars to St. Elizabeth Hospital at nearby Appleton.

The Two Rivers party was on its way to Appleton tp attend the first Mass of Rev. Norbert James Rath, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome K. Rath, former Two Rivers residents, which was held at St. Therese Catholic church at Appleton Sunday morning. the Rev. Rath, who had attended St. Mark parochial School at Two Rivers, had been ordained at Green Bay on Saturday. All were friends of the Rath family.

The attending physician said Monday morning that the condition of Mrs. Kriwanek was still grave and that she had suffered a sinking spell earlier in the morning. He added that he believed that Mrs. Dohr, also critically injured in the crash, was out of danger unless complications set in.

It was reported that Forman's wife, 67, one of the passengers in the other car, was near death Monday, as a result of injuries received in the crash. She received a lacerated scalp, several fractured bones and internal injuries and has been under an oxygen tent at the Appleton hospital since. Forman, is also in a critical condition with a skull fracture. The other occupant of the machine, Ronald Wold, 17, Y.M.C.A., Rockford, Ill. received lesser injuries.

Inquest Planned

Dohr, a Two Rivers barbershop operator and a veteran member of the Manitowoc County Board, was driving west on Highway 10, when it was alleged that the Forman car going south on Highway 55, went through the arterial sign without stopping to plow into the middle of the right side of the Dohr machine. The Dohr car, which rolled over several times after being struck is a complete wreck.

Dr. John Knauf, Stockbridge, coroner of Calumet county, said Monday that an inquest into the fatal accident will be held at a time when the injure will be able to testify.

Funeral Services for Mrs. Kelliher will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Mark Catholic Church, Two Rivers, the Rev. Edward Wagner officiating Interment will be in Calvary Cemetery.

Mrs. Kelliher, nee Anna Kowash, was born in Two Rivers in 1886, and a daughter of the late Martin and Marry Hettich Kowash. She was married in Two Rivers in 1908 to Walter Kelliher, who preceded her in death 12 years ago.

For many years Mrs. Kelliher was active in affairs of the Camp 7679, Royal Neighbors of America, Two Rivers, of which she was a past oracle. She was also active in circles of the St. Mark Church, including the Altar Society.

Surviving Mrs. Kelliher are two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Felber of Tannery Road, Two Rivers, and Mrs. Lewellyn Rohr of Two Rivers, and two sons, Lloyd of Ripon and First Lt. Earl Kelliher with the U.S. Air Force at Rapid City, S.D., four sisters, Mrs. Maxwell Brown of Birminham, Mich., and Mrs. Mary Strong, Miss Elizabeth Kowash, and Mrs. Heber Clayton of Two Rivers, and 11 grandchildren.

Friends may call at the Klein and Stangel, Inc. Funeral Home, Two Rivers, from 3 p.m. Tuesday until the time of services. The rosary will be recited at the funeral home at 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Manitowoc Herald-Times | Manitowoc, Wisconsin | Monday, December 28, 1953 | Page 1 
KOWASH, Anna (I977)
1956 Two Rivers, Wisconsin St. John's Lutheran Chuch BLUM, Herbert Diedrich Ernest (I1012)
1957 Two well known and highly respected young people of St. John's Lutheran Congregation were married at 7 o'clock Tuesday morning when Rev. W.G. Haase, in the presence of a few friends and relatives, performed the ceremony uniting Edwin H. Meineke, son of Mrs. Chas. Meineke of the Town of Two Rivers and Miss
Hilda Mertens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mertens, 1604 21st Street.

The ceremony took place in the church, the couple attended by Herbert Meineke, a brother of the groom and Miss Edna Mertens, a sister of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left on a honeymoon sojourn to Milwaukee and Madison.They will be at home after Dec. 10 in Millidgeville, Illinois where the
groom is engaged in the business of a drainage contractor.

The bride, of late employed in the office of the Aluminum Goods Plant No. 1, was a type compositor in the Reporter office for several years, a position in which she unfailingly showed reliability and efficiency, a lady of high qualities. The Reporter extends its congratulations and best wishes.

The Reporter, Thurs., Dec. 2, 1920 
Family: MEINEKE, Erwin Henry / MERTENS, Hilda A. (F107)
1958 Uncle Russ died when I was a little girl, so I don't remember that much about him. I do remember him taking us kids out to the small pond in their yard to go fishing. I also remember that he was very tall! Especially given how petite Aunt Goldie, his wife, was.

Russell F. Heinkel was born to Hilton E. Heinkel (1908-1952) and Margaret Marie ROHR (1907-1981). I only know of one brother for Russ - Kenneth Earl Heinkel (1932-1973).

Russ and Goldie Louise BEEBE were married September 16, 1950 in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan. They did not have any children, but had dogs that they loved like they were children.

Uncle Russ worked as a switchman for Michigan Bell Telephone in Saginaw, Michigan.

*Uncle Russ' mother Margaret 'Marge' Marie (Rohr) Heinkel is buried in Section 3, Lot 8, Grave 4. I'm guessing his father is buried next to his mother 
HEINKEL, Russell F. (I6852)
1959 Unknown Cemetery, probably around Mishicot LENDT, William (I5947)
1960 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I5359)
1961 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I5320)

From Der Nord Westen, 19 Mar. 1903: (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 17 Mar.)
Death in his home last Tues. evening of Mr. W. Kromforst(sic), of heart trouble.
He had lived for many years on a farm near here and was highly regarded. The
56-yr old decedent is survived by his wife and several children. The funeral
was held Fri. from the Catholic Church by Father St. Louis with burial in the
local cemetery. 
KRONFORST, Vaclav (I1432)
1963 Victor W. Herlik
Manistique-Victor W. Herlik, 85, 609 Arbutus Ave., Manistique, died Wednesday, March 25, at Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital, Manistique.

He was born Aug. 28, 1906, in Kewaunee, Wis., son of John and Rose (Ribachek) Herlik.

He Married Victoria M. LeClair Sept. 5, 1938, in Green bay. She died June 21, 1989.

Mr. Herlik had lived in the Manistique area for the past 44 years. He was self-employed as a specialist in the installation of ceramic tile, marble and slate and had retired from the Thompson Fish Hatchery.

He attended St. Frances de Sales Church, Manistique, and was a member of the Tile Worker's Union. He enjoyed hunting and fishing.

Survivors include two sons, John of Escanaba, and Robert of Manistique; two brothers, Edward and Gordon, both of Green Bay; six grandchildren; four great grand-children; seven nieces and nephews.

In addition to his wife Victoria, he was preceded in death by a son, Edward.

Visitiation will be today from 4 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home with Rev. James Menapace officating. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery.

ESC 26 Mar 1992 
HERLIK, Victor W. (I2271)
1964 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / FURTH, Mary Bonita (F2455)
1965 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I5597)
1966 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I1998)
1967 vol 3 pg 325 Family: KEMPFERT, Heinrich C. / BLUM, Emma Margaretha Henriette (F366)
1968 vol 4 pg 47 Family: SCHMIDT, Otto Carl / BLUM, Caroline C. (F364)
1969 Vol F pg 557 Line 4 KLUGE, Josephine Anna (I5157)
1970 Vol F pg 628 Line 4 HOWES, George Alson (I5158)
1971 Vol G pg 172 Line 6 VITT, Elmer August (I5151)
1972 Vol G pg 175 Line 5 VITT, Emma Frances M. (I5156)
1973 Vol G pg 204 Line 1 VITT, Edna Elizabeth (I5152)
1974 Volume: 04Page: 0139 Family: DETJEN, Herman / BLUM, Catherine Augusta (F382)
1975 Volume: 05Page: 0580 Family: THIELBAR, Henry John Dieter Precht / BLUM, Alvina Caroline (F1997)
1976 W. C. Jones

SLAGLE-Services for W.C. "Bill" Jones will be at 11:30 a.m. today in Ca;casieu Baptist hurch with the Rev. Hardy Droddy officiating. Burial will be in Union Grove Cemetery under direction of Blanchard-St. Denis.

Jones, 90, of Montrose died Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1996, in his residence.

He was a retired truck driver for the Louisiana Department Highways and owner and operator of W.C. Jones' Place of Montrose. He was also a retired farmer and a member of Cypress Baptist Church.

Survivors include one daughter, Cindy Roshall of Boyce; a brother, Hower L. Jones Sr. of Houston, Texas; and three grandchildren.

Friends may call from 10 a.m. until time of services today in the funeral home.
The Town Talk
Thu, Dec 12, 1996 ·Page 28

Willie C Jones
United States Social Security Death Index
Age: 91
Given Name: Willie
Middle Name: C
Surname: Jones
Birth Date: 20 Dec 1905
State: Louisiana
Last Place of Residence: Natchitoches, Louisiana
Previous Residence Postal Code: 71457
Event Date: 11 Dec 1996
JONES, Willie Charles (I5666)

Death of 19 yr. old W. Meinecke of diphtheria on Sun. evening.
Burial was Tues.
Der Nord Westen, 07 Nov. 1889 
MEINEKE, William W. (I27)
1978 W. Tuma, Well Known Gibson Pioneer, Dies

Wenzel Tuma, well known town of Gibson resident who for 12 years made his home on the same farm near Cooperstown died this morning, aged 64. He had been in failing health for some time but his condition had not been serious until recently.

Mr. Tuma was a life-long resident of Manitowoc county, having been born at Cooperstown and spending his entire life in the vicinity. He was married to Anna Kohout (sic) who with eight children survive to mourn his death. They are Mrs. Rose Dawson of California, Mrs. M. Radey of Rockwood (sic), Miss Violet at home, Harry, George and Arnold in Montana and Adolph and Dolan (sic) at Cooperstown.

Funeral arrangements have not been made.
Manitowoc, Wisconsin | Tuesday, June 09, 1931 | Page 1

The obituary has incorrect information. Mrs. M. Radey should be Mrs. Frank Radey. Dolan should be Doolan. His mother was Anna Kohout. Wencil/Wenzel's wife was Anna Jindra.

Funeral services for the late Wencil Tuma, of Gibson, will be held Friday morning at nine from the home and at ten o'clock from the Kellnersville church. Interment will be at the Greenstreet cemetery.

Manitowoc Herald News | Manitowoc, Wisconsin | Wednesday, June 10, 1931 | Page 2

Gibson Farmer is Summoned Tuesday

Wenzel Tuma, 64 passed away at his farm home in the town of Gibson yesterday morning, after suffeering for serveral days with stomach trouble.

Funeral services will be held at the Kellnersville Catholic church at ten o'clock Friday morning with interment at Greenstreet cemetery.

Mr. Tuma was married 42 years ago to Anna Jindra, who survives him. Besides his widow eight echildren survive him, three daughters, Mrs. Rose Dawson, California; Mrs. Lillian Radey, Rockwood; Violet, at home, and five sons, Harry, Louis, and Arnold of Montana, and Adolph and Doolan at home. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Mary Marek, Manitowoc, and a brother, John of Maribel.

The remains were taken to the home from the Specht Undertaking parlors at Mishicot last night.
Wed, Jun 10, 1931 ·Page 2 
TUMA, Wencel (I412)
1979 W.G. Eckart of Bancroft Township Dies

Funeral services for Walter George Eckart 63 Bancroft Township, will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Freeborn Funeral Home. Interment will be in St. Peter Cemetery, New Richland. The Rev. Carl Oslund will officiate.

A son of the late John and Ida Eckart, he was born Jan. 1 1900 in Hartland Township. He died Sunday afternoon in his home from a stroke. He was an automobile mechanic an worked in Chicago until 1943 when he returned to Albert Lea. He was at one time operated the shop now known as Kycek Radiator Shop on South Newton.

his father died in 1957 and his mother in 1959. One brother Elmer also preceded him in death.

Survivors are three brothers, Emil, Austin; Erwin, New Richland and George Rt. 3 and two sisters, Mrs. Albert (Agnes) Dobberstein, Albert Lea and Mrs. Edward (Alice) Boldvan, New Richland. 
ECKART, Walter George (I5469)
Evening Tribune, The | Albert Lea, Minnesota | Monday, August 21, 1916 | Page 4
J. J. Sullivan Driving An Auto Mixes With Young Eckart on Motorcycle.
Walter Erkart. the son of John Eckart, who lives about 6 miles northeast of town riding a motorcycle collided with J. J. Sullivan's car. Mr. Sullivan was coming up West William street and Walter was riding west on East William street As Mr Sullivan turned the corner on. Broadway the two 'collided. The front wheels of the car struck the motorcycle turning it over and around The boy's foot was severely cut in the mix up Mr Sullivan helped him to Dr. Calhoun's office and then took him to his sister's Mrs Albert Dobberstein on Lake St It required several stitches to close the wound.

Evening Tribune, The | Albert Lea, Minnesota | Friday, May 03, 1963 | Page 7

Walter G. Eckart, also known os
Walter George Eckart, Decedent
George M. Eckart having filed herein a
petition for general administration stating
that said decedent died intestate and
praying that George M. Eckart be appointed
IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing
thereof be had on May 20, 1962, at 10:00
o'clock A.M., before this Court in the probate
court room in the court house in
Albert Lea, Minnesota; that the time
within which creditors of said decedent
may file their claims be limited to four
months from the dote hereof, ond that the
claims so filed be heard on August 30,
1963, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., before this
Court in the probate court room in the
court house in Albert Lea, Minnesota,
and that notice hereof be given by publication
of this order in the Evening
Tribune and by mailed notice as provided
by law.
Dated April 24, 1963.
(Probate Court Seal) Probate Judge
Nichols & Gillard
Attorneys for Petitioner
524-30 Hyde Building
Albert Lea, Minnesota
A. 26 M. 3-10. 
ECKART, Walter George (I5469)
1981 Walter is probably buried where his wife was buried. JONAS, Walter Carl Ferdinand (I5315)
1982 War: World War I
Title: CORPORAL, U.S. Army
Service: U.S. Army
Division: 28th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division
Data Source: World War I Honor Roll
Entered the Service from: Wisconsin Died: July 21, 1918 Buried at: Plot D Row 26 Grave 16 Oise-Aisne American Cemetery Fere-en-Tardenois, France

Publication Number: M930
Publication Title: Cablegrams Exchanged Between General Headquarters, American Expeditionary Forces, and the War Department, 1917-19
Publisher: NARA
Browse Series: Main Series, War Dept to AEF HQ
Series Date Range: Jun 14, 1917 - Aug 25, 1919
Series: Main Series of Cablegrams from the War Department to GHQ, AEF
Folder Date Range Begin: 16 Aug 1918
Folder Date Range End: 31 Aug 1918
Cable Number: 1863
Cable Place: General Headquarters,A.E.F.
Cable Date: 23 Aug 1918

General Headquarters A E F,
August 13, 1918

No. 1863-R
August 21, 1918

Pershing AMEX FORCE France

Paragraph 4 Reference Casualty 222 Corporal Joseph T. Jindra Company F 28th Infantry 284, 247 killed in action July 21st, 1918; Casualty 167 reports same man killed in action May 20th; verify. 
JINDRA, Joseph Theodore Jr. (I575)
1983 was buried with military honors TUMA, Louis {NMN] (I416)
1984 was in the movies according to elaine chaloupka JONES, Byron Carlton (I5319)
1985 was raised by Maria Margaretha's sister after her death and assumed the name Schwab STAEFFLER, Joseph Edward (I881)
1986 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I6004)
1987 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I5399)
1988 We don't know what project Joseph worked on but this is a little history of the WPA Project in Manitowoc County.

1935 to 1943: Works Progress Administration, later known as the Works Projects Administration (WPA), employed local workforce to help workers and the economy during the depression.
1937: 280 acres acquired for what would become Point Beach State Forest. This included 80 acres of surplus land from the lighthouse donated by the U.S. Government.
1938: Manitowoc County Board appropriated $9,500 for land purchases north of Two Rivers for transfer to the state to develop into a park. The State of Wisconsin, along with Manitowoc County and the City of Two Rivers, purchased an additional 724 acres.
1939: WPA began work on road construction and developing a forest lodge. The lumber came from this forest and shakes came from the Lake Elba prison camp at Rhinelander. Rip-rap came from the Jambo Creek area. Tree planting also began this year with 475,000 trees planted, mostly red pine but also 5,000 white pine and 2,000 spruces.
1940: The administration building was completed. 
RADEY, Joseph Thomas (I1229)
1989 We have no evidence of Anton's death or burial location.
We do not know if he was religious or attended church. 
HONZIK, Anton (I949)
1990 Wednesday Service for Crash Victim

MISHICOT-Military funeral rites for Pfc. Donald G. Tuma, 20-year-old soldier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doolan Tuma, R.2, Two Rivers, will be held here Wednesday morning.

Tuma, one of a family of nine children, was among 27 killed Nov. 18 in the fiery crash of an eastbound airliner in a suburban residental district only two miles from its Boeing Field take-off point. Forty-seven other persons survived the crash.

The Manitowoc County soldier, on his way home for a Thanksgiving furlough after 18 months in Korea, had called his parents upon arrival in Seattle only a day before the fatal crash, informing them of his intention to fly home immediately.

With Tuma's body scheduled to arrive in Manitowoc today, the requiem mass is planned for Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot, at 10 a.m. Wednesday. The Rev. George Beth, pastor, will be the celebrant. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery.

The mass will follow brief rites at the Specht Funeral Home here. A graveside military service will be conducted by members of the local Kempen-Staudinger-Terens Post 7753, Veterans of Foreigh Wars. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 o'clock this evening.

Born in Two Rivers, Oct. 10, 1935, Tuma moved with his parents to a town of Gibson farm when a boy of six. He graduated from Mishicot High School in 1953 and while at school was active if in Future Farmers of America.

He entered the military service two years ago and would have had another year to service before discharge.

Surviving, in addition to his parents, are two sisters, the Misses Janice and Joanne, both at home; and six brothers, James, Rt. 2, Manitowoc, and Richard, Wayne, Gregory, Peter and Paul, all at home.

Likely from a different paper
Because of the delay in the arrival of the casket, due to a rock slide on state of Washington railroad tracks, funeral services for Pfc. Donald G. Tuma, 20, Town of Gibson, who was killed in a crash of an Army transport plane at Seattle, Wash., on Nov. 18, will be held at Mishicot Thursday morning instead of Wednesday. Military services, to be conducted by the Kempen-Staudinger-Terens Post 7755, VFW, Mishicot, will be held at 9:30 a.m. at the Specht Funeral Home, Mishicot, and at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mishicot. The Rev. George Beth will officiate and interment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Tuesday where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Tuesday and 8 p.m. Wednesday. (No newspaper named or date)

TUMA, PFC Donald Gene (I437)
1991 Wenceslaus was baptised 26 August 1866

From notes of Lilian Tuma Radey (daughter of deceased) written 1976. Wencel died at the age of 55. Cause of death was obstruction of the bowels . I believe actual age was 65 
TUMA, Wencel (I412)
1992 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I6848)

Wenzel Fronek, who died Wednesday, May 6, was born in Czechoslovakia on Se ptember 28, 1850. In 1888 he came to America and settled in Coal City, Il l. From there he came to Langlade county in 1900 and settled in the to wn of Ackley, where he had lived since. His wife preceded him in death ele ven years ago.

Surviving the deceased are three daughters and two sons: Mrs. John C. Grah am, Mary Budzelini, and Emily of Chicago; John and James of Ackley, fourte en grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at the McCandless and Zobel Funeral Home Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in the Stengl cemetery.

ANTIGO DAILY JOURNAL - Antigo, Wisconsin Thursday, 7 May 1936 
FRONEK, Vaclav (I2576)
1994 Wenzel Honzik and Jan Chaloupka received their Naturalization/Declaration of intent on the same day. Joeseph Cisler was witness for both.

Source is Manitowoc County Naturalization records
Certificate Number H 522
Honzik, Wenzel
Date June 12, 1888
Where Born Bohemia
When born about 1858
Circuit Court Manitowoc
Name of Witnesses Joseph Cisler
Date and Port of Arrival in US October 1873 New York 
HONZIK, Wenzel Anton (I947)
Funeral of Man Who Died On Hunt Is Thursday

The body of Wenzil Shedivy, 68-year-old Tish Mills resident who died of heart failure while in the act of shooting a deer in the woods near Ironwood, Mich.,on Monday was brought to the Jansky funeral home at Two Rivers yesterday.

Burial will take place ????? from the St. Mary's Catholic church at Tisch Mills.

The deceased was born in Bohemia and came here with his parents at an early age, the family settling on a farm near Tisch Mills. A widow, two daughters, Mrs. Rudolph Prucha, Two Rivers and Mrs. Chuloupka, Tisch Mills, three brothers, Frank of Two Rivers, Anton of Mishicot, and Joseph of Tisch Mills, and a sister, Mrs. Joseph Miler (sic) of Tisch Mills survive.

For a number of years Mr. Shedivy resided in the village of Tisch Mills, disposing of his farm near that place.

Manitowoc Herald Times, Wednesday, November 23, 1932 P.2 
SHEDIVY, Wenzel (I7232)
1996 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I429)
1997 west side of the cemetery on the fence line under a tree TUMA, Violet Mabel (I421)
1998 west side of the cemetery on the fence line under a tree MIRKES, Vernon (I384)
1999 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Living (F28)
2000 When John moved to Montana his age consistently appeared in the census as 1 to 2 years younger.
On his WWI Draft registration card his year of birth was listed as 1889.
His record at the Calvary Cemetery on FindAGrave lists his year of birth as 1880. 
RADEY, John James (I2394)

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