Sources |
- [S41] Website - FindAGrave, viewed online; 15 July 2018; Mary Chaloupka, memorial 141990212;
- [S414] Immigration\Naturalization - Vessels arriving at New York, 1820-1957 - Ancestry, viewed online; 5 August 2012; Catherine Leischtina; Microfilm Serial: M237; Microfilm Roll: M237_369; Line: 1; List Number: 1213.
Cathr. Leischtina age 25
Maria age 11 months
going to Iowa.
year: 1872; Arrival: New York, United States
- [S98] Newspaper - Wisconsin - Waukesha Freeman, notice; 23 March 1921; page 2; viewed online.
J.F. Supeta (Jacob) attended Mary's funeral.
J.F. Supeta was called to Manitowoc, Wis., on account of the death of his sister.
Waukesha Daily Freeman | Waukesha, Wisconsin | Wednesday, March 23, 1921 | Page 2
- [S130] Newspaper - Wisconsin - Manitowoc Pilot -, Notes from Fischerville; obituary; 24 March 1921; page 8; viewed online and clipped; 23 January 2023.
Mrs. Joseph Chaloupka, who was taken ill scarcely two weeks ago having been confined to her bed due to her critical condition with no signs of improvement was removed to the Holy Family hospital on Tuesday, remaining there but a few days as it was believed that she had apparently overcome the attack. But she suddently took a turn for the worse and on Thursday evening at 6 o'clock passed away a victim of Bright's diseaase. The decedent was a native of Bohemia, having been born there fifty-one years ago, and came to this country when a girl with her parents who made their home in the town of Gibson. She was married to Mr. Chaloupka, thirty-three years ago, the couple making their home in the town of Mishicot, where they resided until some years past when their son William took possession of the farm and they have made their home there since. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her untimely death two sons, Edward of Kossuth and William of Mishicot. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Supita. Three brothers and one sister also survive. The brothers are, Joe of Francis Creek, Jacob of Waukesha, Frank of Manitowoc, and Mrs. Chas. Hagenow of this place. The funeral was held Monday at 10 o'clock from the late home with interment in the Mishicot cemetery. The Rev. Tepley of Melnik performend the last rites.
Brights disease is kidney disease, usually combined with high blood pressure.
- [S15] Newspaper - Wisconsin - Manitowoc Herald News - 2Manitowoc, Death Claimes Resident Town of Kossuth; obituary; 18 March 1921; Page 1; viewed online.
Death Claims Resident of the Town Kossuth
Mary, wife of Joseph Chaloupka of Kossuth died at the Holy Family hospital last night after having been there but a few days, suffering from Bright's disease. The decedent was a native of Bohemia having been born there fifty-one years ago, and came to this country when a girl with her parents who made their home in the town of Gibson. She was married to Mr. Chaloupka thirty-three years ago, the couple making their home in the town of Mishicot, where they resided until a year ago when they took up their home with their son Edward at Kossuth. Besides her husband she leaves two sons, Edward in Kossuth and William in Mishicot on the old farm. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Supita, three parties and one sister also survive. The funeral will take place at Mishicot Monday morning at ten o'clock, Rev. Topley of Melnik officiating.
Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, March 18, 1921 Page 1
- [S148] Vital Records - Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930 -Family Search, viewed index online; 18 February 2017; Joseph Chaloupka marriage to Mary Supita, 11 February 1888.
Name: Joseph Chaloupka
Name Note:
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 11 Feb 1888
Event Place: Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States
Event Place (Original):
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Birth Date:
Birth Year (Estimated):
Father's Name: John Chaloupka
Father's Titles and Terms:
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Mary Svoboda
Mother's Titles and Terms:
Mother's Birthplace:
Paternal Grandfather's Name:
Paternal Grandmother's Name:
Maternal Grandfather's Name:
Maternal Grandmother's Name:
Spouse's Name: Mary Supita
Spouse's Titles and Terms:
Spouse's Gender:
Spouse's Age:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Spouse's Race:
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated):
Spouse's Birthplace:
Spouse's Father's Name: Jackob Supeta
Spouse's Father's Titles and Terms:
Spouse's Mother's Name: Katherina Destina
Spouse's Mother's Titles and Terms:
Spouse's Paternal Grandfather's Name:
Spouse's Paternal Grandmother's Name:
Spouse's Maternal Grandfather's Name:
Spouse's Maternal Grandmother's Name:
Page: 1267
Reference ID:
GS Film Number: 001292013
Frame Number:
Digital Folder Number: 007178005
Image Number: 00031
Citing this Record:
"Wisconsin, County Marriages, 1836-1911," database, FamilySearch ( : 9 March 2016), Joseph Chaloupka and Mary Supita, 11 Feb 1888; citing Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison; FHL microfilm 1,292,013.
- [S20] Website - Manitowoc Genealogy (2Manitowoc), viewed online; 15 July 2018; William Chaloupka;
- [S106] Newspaper - Wisconsin - Manitowoc Herald Times - Newspaper Archives, Chaloupka; Obituary; 4 January 1940; Joseph Chaloupka; Viewed online, partial copy available in scrapbook; 15 July 2018.
- [S198] Vital Records - Wisconsin, U.S. Marriage Records, 1820-2004 - Ancestry, viewed index online; 19 January 2023; Joseph Chaloupka, Marriage.
Full name of husband Joseph Chaloupka
Full name of father of husband John Chaloupka
Full name of mother of husband before marriage Mary Svoboda
Occupation of husband farmer
Residence of husband Mishicott, Manit. Co.
Birthplace of husband Bohemia
Full name of wife previous to marriage Mary Supita
Full name of father of wife Jackob Supita
Full name of mother of wife, before marriage Katherina Lestina
Birthplace of wife Bohemia
Time when marriage was contracted 12 0'clock am
Place or town, and county where marriage was contracted Gibson, Manit Wis
The color of the Parties white
By what ceremony contracted Justice of Peace
Names of subscribing witnesses Wencel Urban, John Dueno
Name of person pronouncing marriage Adolph S. Chloupek J.P.
Residence of named person Kossuth Manit. Co. Wis
Date of certificate or affidavit of marriage Feb. 11 1888
Date of registration Feb 15 1888