From Europe to Manitowoc County, WI
Jindra Family
Chaloupka Family
Family Stories
Places of Interest
date added: April 4, 2010
Kingsbridge also known as High Bridge is located on the banks of the West Twin River in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin at latitude 441241N and longitude 0874052W. The Jindra, Chaloupka and Meineke Families have strong ties to the Kingsbridge area.
Map of Kingsbridge, Manitowoc County located in both the Town of Mishicot and Town of Kossuth
For additional information on Kingsbridge see: Manitowoc County Historical Society Website.
John Jindra, son of George Sr. and Mary (Krcmarika) Jindra, and his wife, Marie Ginzel, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Skrumska) Ginzel, owned the Opera Hall in Kingsbridge for a number of years. They purchased it from John's brother Wencil. Alvin and Leona (Meineke) Jindra operated the cheese factory in Kingsbridge after their marriage in 1914.
The Chaloupka Family still owns property just up the hill from the bridge.
$10,000 Fire Loss; At Kings Bridge
was the headline in the Manitowoc Herald News page 1 on Wednesday, January 19, 1921.
Jindra Place Kings Bridge Burned Down
Dance Hall, Bar, Home, and Barns wiped out by Fire.
Photo above is courtesty of Manitowoc County Historical Society
Fire which broke out some time after midnight caused total destruction of the property owned by John Jiudra at Kings Bridge, including residence, bar, dance hall and stables on the premises, the loss today being estimated a $10,000 to $ 15,000. Only a few effects were saved by the family who, when awakened, found the dance hall in flames and the fire rapidly eating its way to consume other buildings, and were forced to leave hurriedly to escape being killed in the burning structure.
To the fact that the wind was from the southeast and not, directly from the east, is due the safety of the home of Arthur Bleser, which is located directly east of the Jindra place. The burning embers from the Jindra buildings were carried by the wind but the direction deflected them from the Bleser house which Mr. Bleser and his family watched closely, however, to safeguard.
Origin of the fire is not known but it is believed it may have to due with some defect in the chimney. Mr. Jindra had closed the place and retired with his family. Some time later he was awakened and noted the smell of smoke In the room and aroused members of the family. The sleeping quarters were on the second floor of the building and when Mr. Jindra was awakened he noticed that a window, which overlooks the dance hall, on the first floor, was aglow and approaching it discovered that the interior of the hall below was a seething mass of flames. Hurriedly dressing he made his way down stairs to find that the tire was beyond control and was spreading rapidly. With the assistance of Mrs. Jindra and others he succeeded in removing a piano and a few articles from the living rooms on the first floor but the work could be continued only a short time the flames and smoke driving the workers from the building.
Mr. Jindra saved the cattle in the barn, reaching the structure in time to release the animals before the flames destroyed the buildiing. Nothing else could be saved however and the barn, sheds, ice house and silo were destroyed with the other buildings. Neighbors from the surrounding section who hurried to the scene when they learned of the fire were unable to check the flames which within a short time had laid waste the entire property.
The reflection from the fire lighted up the skies north of the city and for an hour or more the lurid hue was visible from the city. The burned buildings were of frame construction and fed the flames fast. The fire was still burning this morning.
Mr. Jindra owned the property which he had conducted for ten years or more. The dance hall was one of the popular ones of the county and frequent dances were given, attended from all parts of the county.
Mr. Jindra and his family were given shelter at the home of friends last night and today. It was stated that Mr. Jindra carried insurance on the property though it is not probably that it will nearly cover the loss. It is not known whether Mr. Jindra will rebuild the dance hall or not.
Source: Manitowoc Pilot 20 January 1921, Page 1
the building of John Jindra at Kings bridge inthis(sic) county were destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The fire broke after midnight to find the dance hall a mass of flames, entirely beyond control. The family had time to get the piano and some furniture from the dwelling before the progress of the fire drove them from the place. Mr. Jindra had to also let his cattle out of the stable. The fire burned itself out, taking residence, bar, dance hall, stables, sheds, ice-house and silo. The loss has been estimated as high as $15,000. The amount of insurance was not given out.
Mr. Jindra has been proprietor of the place about ten years and conducted one of the popular places in the northern part of the county.
Due probably to prohibition and the automobile places of this kind are not successful as near together as in former years, and it is doubtful that the place will be rebuilt.
Note: John did rebuild and continued to run the establishment until 1943.
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